Active Users:362 Time:14/03/2025 01:07:49 PM
I'm rereading Neverwhere. It is NOT GOOD. How did I not realize this? beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 22/05/2012 03:21:29 PM
My main problem is with the main character, Richard. He is Arthur Dent without the sarcasm and existentialism. He is towed around by the other characters, and only exists to go, "What? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!"

Seriously, Richard, you are in a world where everything is a pun or a reference to London geography. You need to loosen up a little.

So, I hate him.

Secondly, a big part of the book is "Let's see what London landmark we'll visit next!" Which is a little neat, and probably even more entertaining for British people, but it does get a little old after a while.

It'd be like reading a book set in Never-New York (or New York Below, I guess), and the first chapter has an Emperor holding court at the Empire State Building, and then they have to cross Broadway (which is extremely broad, ominously), and Central Park is some kind of neutral ground because it's in the CENTER, and then they have to go talk to river nymphs who live in the brooks of BROOKLYN, and then there's a big war between the Queens and the Kings (trivia: which county used to be called Kings' County?), and then they get captured by the devil that lives in Hell's Kitchen until they're set free by the Statue of Liberty.

Maybe I'm just being cranky, but after a while I just want to go, "Yes, we GET IT."

Also, Door keeps reminding me of Kahlan from the Sword of Truth novels. She's not quite as... Goodkind-y... but she has the whole "vulnerable noblewoman with a mysterious power that works by touch, being hunted by assassins" thing. (I assume Neverwhere came out before SoT, but the association is still there, for me.)

Anyway! I'll finish my reread, but I just wanted to register my displeasure.
I amuse myself.
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I'm rereading Neverwhere. It is NOT GOOD. How did I not realize this? - 22/05/2012 03:21:29 PM 1276 Views
While I enjoyed the book, I do remember what you're talking about - 22/05/2012 09:22:20 PM 864 Views
Some of the issues are because it's based on a TV series. - 22/05/2012 11:23:41 PM 878 Views
Oh, weird. For some reason I'd always thought the book came first. *NM* - 23/05/2012 04:26:40 AM 316 Views
While the TV series came out first, the book isn't "based on" it. - 25/05/2012 10:00:35 AM 939 Views
Isn't there a graphic novel too? - 25/05/2012 06:29:34 PM 905 Views
Kings County is still Kings County. It has never not been Kings County since becoming so. *NM* - 25/05/2012 02:55:40 PM 330 Views
Kings County = Brooklyn, doesn't it? *NM* - 25/05/2012 03:49:32 PM 329 Views
The County of Kings and the Borough of Brooklyn cover the exact same space. *NM* - 25/05/2012 08:38:57 PM 387 Views
Exactly *NM* - 27/05/2012 02:55:45 AM 334 Views
I loved this book. - 25/05/2012 06:28:32 PM 933 Views
It's been a while since I read the book. - 02/06/2012 10:34:41 PM 1003 Views

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