Active Users:364 Time:14/03/2025 01:06:31 PM
Dear Lord. everynametaken Send a noteboard - 14/05/2012 09:51:50 PM
Umm...I didn't know just how ignorant I was of various fandoms until I was made aware recently on Twitter of the existence of "otherkin," those who believe they are the souls of Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, fruit bats, dolphins, etc. and that was traumatic enough (traumatic guffawing, that is). Then I saw a link to a series of MB screen caps on the "Elven Holocaust" that made me sputter and go all bug-eyed for a moment. Behold and weep for humanity (or what might not be true humanity, whatever):

These people are nuttier than my insane ex sister-in-law.
But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
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I guess I'm a denier of the Elven Holocaust - 14/05/2012 03:02:35 PM 1464 Views
Can we send these people to a war zone? - 14/05/2012 04:13:27 PM 782 Views
I managed to avoid dating someone who believed himself a draconian otherkin - 14/05/2012 08:12:31 PM 1120 Views
Dear God... - 15/05/2012 01:36:51 AM 921 Views
I'd heard about them before. - 14/05/2012 09:00:50 PM 954 Views
Dear Lord. - 14/05/2012 09:51:50 PM 921 Views
This must be a joke - 15/05/2012 08:47:24 AM 886 Views
Are you sure they are not just role playing? - 23/05/2012 02:04:42 AM 1005 Views

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