What was it?
See post title.
What kind of book (i.e. genre)?
Short stories, in Byatt's usual style, more or less. Though most of her short fiction has fantastic, surreal, fairy tale,... elements that her novels don't (excepting those novels that have a story-within-the-story, like Babel Tower and Whistling Woman).
Did you enjoy it?
Well enough, though I don't consider it her best work - didn't care too much for the first and longest story, and while several of the rest were much better in my opinion, they were a bit short.
Would you recommend it to others, and if so, who might enjoy it?
Any fan of Byatt, for sure, or people looking for good short stories.
Tell us about the book you finished reading most recently.
21/02/2012 10:23:21 AM
Dresden Files on audiobook- James Marsters is really, really, really good.
21/02/2012 02:26:08 PM
I just misspelled investigator with a c instead of the v and I can't stop laughing. It is early!
21/02/2012 04:21:29 PM
A.S. Byatt's Elementals.
21/02/2012 10:15:23 PM