Active Users:3107 Time:23/01/2025 03:30:20 AM
IIRC, Luceno wrote one a sequel to "Revenge of the Sith" with good explanations Cannoli Send a noteboard - 17/02/2012 07:22:52 PM
I think there was something in there that justifies the infamous number of Jedi in the various novels who survived the Empire's pogrom, and also the lampshades the impossibility of so many Jedi being assassinated successfully all at once with only Obi-Wan and Yoda surviving. According to book I read, Vader was all keen to hunt them down and wipe out every last Jedi, only for the Emperor to laugh it off and point out that THEY were in charge of the Galaxy and the Jedi were reduced to outlaws in hiding, so who cares if they managed to survive. The Sith philosophy or something mandated them proving themselves against any Jedi who stuck their necks out to challenge their rule, and beyond that, they got to win and gloat about it. This kind of fits with the usual tropes about villains who delay the hero's execution so they can gloat, because the Sith are pretty much a religion of Evil, and thus it makes sense that they would need to allow their enemies to survive in squalor somewhere to increase their anguish.

I love explanations of stuff like this, because it seems like the two main purposes of the internet are porn and proving that the average fan is smarter than George Lucas, by way of triumphantly pointing out plot holes, most of which center around how stupid the Empire/Sith were in hindsight. My contrarian streak motivates me to defend a bunch of highly entertaining movies, which were targeted mainly for CHILDREN. No one complains about the plotholes of Disney movies, despite far more blatant efforts on their parts to throw in wink-wink adult-accessible stuff, so why does Star Wars get so much grief when Lucas isn't even trying to make an airtight mythology, just tell fairy tales in space?

Sure explanations like Luceno's aren't necessarily the answers that Lucas would give if he gave enough of a crap about the fans to try justifying his creation, but the point is, he made it sold enough to engage the imaginations of people who are capable of seeing how and why there are reasonable explanations for the supposed holes.

I have this book, and it is a couple down on my reading list, so this review makes me all the more eager to get to it (and since so many of the books ahead of it are political/economic, and I'm a bit tapped after CPAC, I might just skip them for some recreational reading).
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Remarkable Star Wars Book - Darth Plagueis by James Luceno - - 16/02/2012 09:53:21 PM 1825 Views
I can't get past that name. - 17/02/2012 01:35:27 AM 1174 Views
Darth Plagueis... Hmmmm then name seems so familiar... - 21/02/2012 02:19:40 PM 1086 Views
Sidious & Nihilus don't sound evil? *NM* - 29/02/2012 07:57:36 PM 481 Views
I read it a few weeks ago and it was great! - 17/02/2012 02:21:31 AM 1129 Views
Yes, the Darth Banes books with solid..... - 19/02/2012 02:03:18 AM 1056 Views
IIRC, Luceno wrote one a sequel to "Revenge of the Sith" with good explanations - 17/02/2012 07:22:52 PM 1440 Views
He wrote both a prequel and a sequel. - 17/02/2012 08:19:29 PM 1329 Views
That isn't even really a plot hole in the movies, is it? - 22/02/2012 07:24:05 PM 1093 Views
How would you compare it to Dark Lord: the Rise of Darth Vader? - 18/02/2012 08:10:21 PM 1088 Views
I enjoyed it *NM* - 22/02/2012 10:18:30 PM 482 Views

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