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nossy Send a noteboard - 01/02/2012 12:17:59 AM
Yes, I've never been very good at concisely making a point and then letting it go. Having Joel around has the unfortunate side-effect of letting everyone else think "at least I'm not as bad as Joel", I guess...

Heh. I think you did just fine. I'm sure I said the same things several times as well. :P

So, here's me trying to be concise: no, but a less offensive but still racist interpretation of Tolkien considering people of color to be ignorant and in need of guidance from white westerners *is* fair, I'm afraid.

I could be wrong, but I think the only thing we're disagreeing on is the meaning of the word "fair." I was trying to convey that it feels like an injustice to call it racist/sexist if he didn't intend what he wrote to show disfavor to any given race (unfair to him and his intentions).

You're saying it's a fair (as in - that person is not to be automatically considered crazy :P) interpretation. I do agree that if one reads LotR with no attempt to look up WHY he wrote it the way he did, or his background (etc), that person could easily see it as racism/sexism. We also have a slight disagreement regarding how much the author intent and time of the writing matters.

Yeah, unfortunately I did make an error in there, as John pointed out... so I guess it's three white westerners and one brown easterling on the ones we know of. :P

I thought I had seen something along those lines, but was too tired of the whole thing to look it up. :D

We'll agree to marginally hair-splittingly disagree, then. :P


Many myths have the same problem, of course, but aren't generally subjected to the same scrutiny as 20th-century novels, what with being so old. As for the other question, you can of course look at the overarching Catholic messages, but I don't think it makes much sense to just consider all of the non-human races as purely abstract concepts given flesh, and like I said, the orcs are merely the worst case so you can't limit the abstraction to them - in essence the Elves have the same problem.

Your first line is definitely true.


Obv, one has to be wary of wiki, but I've seen similar information on other sites (much geekier ones :P). Wiki seemed easiest to link.

Thank you for your letter ... I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people.

—Tolkien, The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, #30 (Emphasis in original)

Okay. Consider that theory well and truly debunked, then... I'd suggest informing acrackedmoon of all this, but she seems rather too stubborn to concede a point so easily, based on what I've seen. :P

Isn't that an awesome statement though? I <3 it. And him more. (In fact, it highlights part of what pisses me off so much about crackedmoon's position.)

Well, there we have a real disagreement, then.

How will we survive it?!
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The racist elements in Tolkien's writing - 29/01/2012 01:31:02 PM 2517 Views
She has some points, of course. - 29/01/2012 02:25:32 PM 1314 Views
Quite a few points - 29/01/2012 02:40:45 PM 1413 Views
Re: Quite a few points - 29/01/2012 04:59:11 PM 1152 Views
Mostly agreed with the article, but thought she undermined herself with her own racism. - 29/01/2012 02:50:11 PM 1377 Views
I wish I could agree with you, but I can't in full - 29/01/2012 02:58:05 PM 1386 Views
I'm not bothered by the tone. Annoyance is justified. - 29/01/2012 03:03:07 PM 1318 Views
Re: I wish I could agree with you, but I can't in full - 30/01/2012 02:11:07 PM 1323 Views
Do you really believe that? - 30/01/2012 02:44:19 PM 1369 Views
Just read your Twitter convo... nice try, but looks like wasted effort. *NM* - 29/01/2012 10:37:08 PM 595 Views
Yes. - 29/01/2012 10:41:15 PM 1059 Views
Oh, also: - 29/01/2012 03:07:03 PM 1126 Views
Well, I'll be honest. - 29/01/2012 10:34:46 PM 1252 Views
Let me try to summarize some of her points with the invective filtered out, then. - 29/01/2012 10:48:24 PM 1449 Views
Thank you. - 29/01/2012 11:10:13 PM 1485 Views
What the hell, might as well go and play devil's advocate, right? - 30/01/2012 04:50:30 PM 1385 Views
I expected that. - 30/01/2012 05:39:59 PM 1290 Views
Of course you did. I'm predictable that way. - 30/01/2012 10:28:10 PM 1276 Views
Re: Of course you did. I'm predictable that way. - 31/01/2012 12:39:46 AM 1168 Views
Re: Of course you did. I'm predictable that way. - 31/01/2012 08:38:46 PM 1226 Views
I <3 you, but there are several very key things we are not going to agree on. - 31/01/2012 10:02:22 PM 1630 Views
Oh. - 31/01/2012 11:07:52 PM 1286 Views
- 01/02/2012 12:17:59 AM 1396 Views
Hmm? - 31/01/2012 10:10:22 PM 1219 Views
Yeah. I got to reading Encyclopedia of Arda just now, and it told me the same thing. - 31/01/2012 10:35:54 PM 1128 Views
As a sort of group answer (I've been mostly absent from forums the past two days) - 31/01/2012 10:45:55 PM 1475 Views
I don't mind if you tell me I'm out of line here, but - 31/01/2012 11:55:04 PM 1314 Views
I'm rarely ever offended - 01/02/2012 01:54:58 AM 1504 Views
She was referring specifically to the Twitter "conversation" I had with the blogger. - 01/02/2012 09:05:28 AM 1290 Views
Yes. - 01/02/2012 10:47:22 AM 1418 Views
It makes me wonder what she thinks is happening in Zimbabwe, for example. - 01/02/2012 11:13:11 AM 1448 Views
I've been thinking about that. - 01/02/2012 11:29:18 AM 1240 Views
Re: I've been thinking about that. - 01/02/2012 11:40:11 AM 1506 Views
We're nuts. - 01/02/2012 03:09:15 PM 1243 Views
I know that - 01/02/2012 11:15:48 AM 1306 Views
That blog post was mostly good, but the exception is a rather large one. - 01/02/2012 08:35:57 PM 1159 Views
Do you mean exception*S*? - 02/02/2012 04:27:03 AM 1228 Views
The Hobbit came out in 1937. - 30/01/2012 01:35:45 AM 1206 Views
She hates Tolkien's writings to begin with ... - 30/01/2012 06:34:29 AM 1348 Views
The tone of the article is massively annoying - 30/01/2012 06:45:19 AM 1384 Views
I laughed while reading it - 30/01/2012 04:30:50 PM 1253 Views

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