Re: I just glanced at Book 2 of the Belgariad and now I'm being sucked back in
ClubCaved Send a noteboard - 26/12/2011 12:08:28 PM
I know how you feel. I got rid of my Belgariad and Malloreon books when I moved from Maryland to Florida a few years ago but I kept my Belgarath and Polgara books. I occasionally reread them for the nostalgia.
I just glanced at Book 2 of the Belgariad and now I'm being sucked back in... gotta get out of here!
26/12/2011 05:02:21 AM
Ah, nostalgia reading. Nothing quite like it.
26/12/2011 11:29:26 AM
Re: I just glanced at Book 2 of the Belgariad and now I'm being sucked back in
26/12/2011 12:08:28 PM