Can I read this instead of Eye of the Moon?
You've got to finish Quicksilver first though
Yesyesyes. But I am not monogamous. This sounds like something I would read while reading Quicksilver. When my brain isn't working, but I want to read something because my supervisors have said I have to write, not read. Quicksilver requires rather more attention, I find. Especially as I have not yet gotten out of the habit of looking up stuff to find out whether it is true or not.
structured procrastinator
structured procrastinator
Space Captain Smith, by Toby Frost (or, Civis Britannicus Sum, tit-face!)
24/09/2009 10:07:01 PM
It was readable enough. Decent time filler. Same for the follow up *NM*
26/09/2009 02:38:36 AM