Active Users:359 Time:14/03/2025 01:09:19 PM
I agree with this. Nate Send a noteboard - 09/12/2011 10:21:34 PM
I think Tolkien is still relevant to modern day fantasy, but what Tolkien did is entirely different from what numerous modern writers are doing, particularly those like Martin, Abercrombie, or even Lynch and Stover. Even for more epic, quest-oriented adventure fantasy, there is a greater emphasis on character and a lesser emphasis on history and worldbuilding than what you saw in Tolkien.

Jordan might be the only modern fantasy writer I would say can be properly compared to Tolkien. They're different, but the Wheel of Time is the only modern fantasy series I know that approaches its world and its themes in a similar manner. (I freely admit that there could be better examples I simply haven't read.)

Calling Martin the American Tolkien is strange. I love Martin's books, don't get me wrong, but he's not even trying to be Tolkien. Tolkien wrote event-driven myths dipped in history and nobility. Martin writes character-driven socio-political conflicts dipped in primal magic.

I think that modern authors still know (and mostly appreciate) their Tolkien, but Dark Knight may be correct that they don't directly take their cues from him any longer. The genre has expanded significantly over the past thirty years. But it's also fair to say that the concept of fully realized imaginary worlds, still very much active in modern fantasy, owes its popular genesis to Tolkien, and in that respect fantasy has not entirely escaped his shadow.
Warder to starry_nite

Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
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Aren't the Tolkien comparisons getting a little...old? - 09/12/2011 09:51:39 PM 2918 Views
The comparison bothers me, but not because Tolkien isn't relevant. - 09/12/2011 10:05:22 PM 1772 Views
I agree with this. - 09/12/2011 10:21:34 PM 1811 Views
Re: I agree with this. - 10/12/2011 07:09:33 PM 1745 Views
Exactly *NM* - 12/12/2011 12:09:19 PM 884 Views
Only when shit works are being compared to him - 09/12/2011 10:22:26 PM 1668 Views
Larry, - 10/12/2011 01:13:18 AM 1684 Views
Snide dismissal that will be passed off as for his own entertainment. - 10/12/2011 04:55:43 AM 1599 Views
We get a lot of that around here. *NM* - 10/12/2011 05:18:01 AM 665 Views
makes me wonder... - 10/12/2011 04:37:33 PM 1586 Views
Re: makes me wonder... - 11/12/2011 03:03:15 AM 1548 Views
Well-deserved condescension. - 11/12/2011 03:54:27 AM 1728 Views
You're sure about that? - 11/12/2011 04:20:26 AM 1949 Views
Re: You're sure about that? - 11/12/2011 05:25:08 AM 1671 Views
Re: You're sure about that? - 11/12/2011 06:03:02 AM 1543 Views
i think you shouldn't judge a whole world's school programs on your school - 11/12/2011 06:42:30 AM 1576 Views
Yeah, I'm limited in my knowledge, lol - 11/12/2011 08:03:26 AM 1602 Views
My school was...not great. - 11/12/2011 04:02:36 PM 1631 Views
I'm 24. - 11/12/2011 03:49:06 PM 1546 Views
If you're arguing that children should be able to read genre fiction, fine. - 11/12/2011 08:52:27 PM 1472 Views
Well, I suppose it depends on the type of genre being read - 11/12/2011 09:36:16 PM 1706 Views
How often do you hear the challenging writers mentioned at this site? - 12/12/2011 02:03:05 PM 1436 Views
Only when you, me, and a couple others write reviews - 12/12/2011 04:21:14 PM 1849 Views
Oh, it was the same as it always is - 12/12/2011 05:23:56 PM 1530 Views
True - 12/12/2011 06:29:10 PM 1642 Views
One note - 13/12/2011 12:17:48 AM 1648 Views
Perhaps - 13/12/2011 12:49:34 AM 1576 Views
*Sighs* Such is the plight of those shining few intelects... - 23/12/2011 01:15:47 AM 1625 Views
Much of the actual "Classics", that is, Greek and Latin originals, kids would eat up. - 12/12/2011 03:13:03 AM 1445 Views
Try teaching Apuleius in schools... *NM* - 12/12/2011 04:12:49 AM 784 Views
Plato is exciting, brutal and scandalous? - 12/12/2011 09:59:13 PM 1520 Views
You're upfront and honest about it; he isn't. The difference matters to me. *NM* - 11/12/2011 05:18:42 AM 833 Views
Uhh...uh... - 11/12/2011 05:34:23 AM 1557 Views
this is a bit off topic, but out of curiousity... - 11/12/2011 06:28:35 AM 1659 Views
There are no special snowflakes, are there? - 11/12/2011 09:39:21 PM 1469 Views
There are many way of widening one's horizons and broadening one's mind. - 11/12/2011 10:08:24 PM 1226 Views
I said as much in my comment - 11/12/2011 10:20:03 PM 1500 Views
What I don't like- - 12/12/2011 04:28:55 AM 1578 Views
Why don't you name something, then? - 12/12/2011 04:40:29 AM 1537 Views
Sure. - 13/12/2011 07:30:56 AM 1366 Views
Mentioning Ender's Game pretty much shot your argument in the foot. - 13/12/2011 02:02:59 PM 1472 Views
You dismiss the entire video game medium because many games lack value. - 13/12/2011 03:59:11 PM 1618 Views
You're like the McDonald's paid advocate trying to say Big Macs are actually healthy. - 13/12/2011 05:46:37 PM 1425 Views
McDonalds food is inherently unhealthy. - 13/12/2011 06:02:18 PM 1573 Views
For the sake of argument ... - 13/12/2011 04:09:51 PM 1472 Views
Stephenson is not literature, that's for damn sure. - 13/12/2011 05:49:24 PM 1420 Views
Thank you, The Voice of Lews Therin. *NM* - 16/12/2011 05:14:42 AM 846 Views
I'll leave it up to others to define as they wish against their self-conceptions of me - 10/12/2011 10:52:54 AM 1584 Views
that's alright. I really have no desire to stroke your twit-ego. *NM* - 10/12/2011 04:36:56 PM 633 Views
Considering the firestorm I appear to have touched off, that may be best. - 12/12/2011 12:57:49 PM 1563 Views
I know, John - 12/12/2011 04:27:04 PM 1463 Views
Re: I know, John - 12/12/2011 05:06:26 PM 1525 Views
As I've said in the past, I'd be scared if anyone agreed with me anywhere approaching 100% - 12/12/2011 06:33:52 PM 1451 Views
Re: As I've said in the past, I'd be scared if anyone agreed with me anywhere approaching 100% - 12/12/2011 07:13:37 PM 1526 Views
Same guy - 12/12/2011 07:26:13 PM 1592 Views
Ha! Excellent point. *NM* - 11/12/2011 03:44:52 AM 769 Views
I have to agree. - 09/12/2011 10:54:06 PM 1575 Views
They're there for marketing - 10/12/2011 12:20:17 AM 1563 Views
Most of those comparisons are like that anyway - 10/12/2011 05:32:45 PM 1689 Views
Maybe if so much of the genre weren't crap derivative works it wouldn't be so common. *NM* - 11/12/2011 03:44:24 AM 767 Views
To be fair, a lot of it isn't. - 11/12/2011 04:06:07 AM 1502 Views
I suspect that if it really isn't derivative it's not being compared to Tolkien in the first place. - 11/12/2011 04:18:57 AM 1446 Views
That's true. - 11/12/2011 11:08:01 AM 1434 Views
Maybe they mean something else by using his name. - 11/12/2011 03:50:15 AM 1534 Views
When they don't work, yes. - 11/12/2011 03:18:44 PM 1524 Views
The Tolkien fanaticism gets old. And yes, for me it is unreadable. - 11/12/2011 11:37:53 PM 1496 Views
Yes *NM* - 22/12/2011 07:08:38 PM 892 Views

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