When I was still learning how to read, he would tell me the stories about these awesome books that HE read (fantasy/sci-fi stuff) as encouragement. I believe he read the Hobbit to me in kindergarten or the first grade (can't remember), usually a chapter or two before bed). I read the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings for the first time by myself in the second grade, and I've been hooked ever since.
Another funny anecdote: A few years after that in the summer after fourth grade, I even taught my own brother, who was going to start kindergarten the next year, how to read. I remember it completely amazing my mother.
Another funny anecdote: A few years after that in the summer after fourth grade, I even taught my own brother, who was going to start kindergarten the next year, how to read. I remember it completely amazing my mother.
This message last edited by Myrdhyn on 16/11/2011 at 07:37:49 PM
Who helped instill a love of reading in you?
15/11/2011 05:33:16 AM
My grandmother ran a small community library, and we would go every week. *NM*
15/11/2011 03:40:07 PM
aw, that's sweet... and i have been reading for as long as i can remember
15/11/2011 05:12:50 PM
My Dad
16/11/2011 07:34:30 PM
Growing up without a TV, plus anti-social preferences, and only younger siblings. No other choice.
17/11/2011 06:35:06 AM