I love it. I load the books onto my mp3 player and listen in the car or while I'm cleaning house. The sound quality is great and they have a big selection of books. And the people who read the books are usually really good. I have only come across one that I didn't really like the reader so I quit listening to it. I really like using it to listen to books I wouldn't normally sit down and read. I've listened to a lot of classics that I never wanted to take the time to read before and found that I love them! It also allows me to "read" quite a few more books than I would be able to otherwise.
Anybody here use audible.com?
25/09/2011 11:54:14 PM
I've been using it for a long time.
26/09/2011 12:28:04 PM
Audible is great but if you go through more than one book a month it can be expensive
26/09/2011 06:18:34 PM