Re: I'm going to be hard pressed to get the next ASOIAF book.
Japhy Send a noteboard - 21/09/2011 08:29:16 PM
I bought DWD on the day it came out. And I'm half way through. I just cannot find the same urge to pick it up as I did with COK or SOS. Did this happen with anyone else? Is the second half better than the first? GIVE ME A REASON TO KEEP GOING! GRRM isn't.
It took me 2 1/2 to 3 weeks to read aDwD. the first 2 weeks were spent on the first half, the last 1/2 week to week was spent on the second half. It picks up but it's edited (and written) to read like a transitional book instead of as a book that can stand on it's own (smaller climax and really just preparing for the next book). The first three books in the series were able to stand on their own with nice plot and character development throughout instead of harping on the same issues for much of the book. Zzzzz.
I'm going to be hard pressed to get the next ASOIAF book.
21/09/2011 08:17:32 PM
Re: I'm going to be hard pressed to get the next ASOIAF book.
21/09/2011 08:29:16 PM