Who is the Delivery Man?
Seriously, I figured he was always referred to as The Delivery Man because he was a well known character who altered himself somehow, maybe removed his memories for a fresh start. But I can't place him...
Seriously, I figured he was always referred to as The Delivery Man because he was a well known character who altered himself somehow, maybe removed his memories for a fresh start. But I can't place him...
He's the son of one of the rebels on Far Away in the COMMONWEALTH SAGA duology, IIRC showing up only as a baby. His major storyline elements take place inbetween the COMMONWEALTH books and the VOID TRILOGY. I think everyone who's read the VOID TRILOGY was expecting him to turn out to be a major character from the earlier books and when the truth was revealed, the reaction was more like, "Huh, what?"
So, I read Hamilton's Void Trilogy and I have one question.
15/09/2011 07:45:46 AM
Just some dude.
16/09/2011 12:38:29 AM