I know that part of the release features a long-promised short story featuring Kelsior...
Jacob Send a noteboard - 03/08/2011 04:45:05 PM
and Kel's mentor.
As I've already read the new Mistborn novel, which is awesome by the way, I'm interested to see how his vision translates to a gaming table.
As I've already read the new Mistborn novel, which is awesome by the way, I'm interested to see how his vision translates to a gaming table.
Not only is there a new Mistborn book coming out, but he made an RPG, too?
03/08/2011 04:22:18 PM
Interesting. Looks like it's d6 based. I've never played a d6 system, so perhaps I should start. *NM*
03/08/2011 04:26:35 PM
I know that part of the release features a long-promised short story featuring Kelsior...
03/08/2011 04:45:05 PM