Active Users:481 Time:21/02/2025 09:50:48 AM
Re: So? What harm is he doing? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 02/08/2011 02:26:02 PM

Funny, I don't remember anything particularly revolutionary to the genre. All he did was regurgitate the ideals already espoused in Atlas Shrugged (which managed to do so much more eloquently imo). In fact if you take that little bit away, it's pretty much the same basic plot as the 5 books preceding it.

Yeah, that was actually a joke about the prior poster having given up the series before that I point. I didn't even recall which one was book six when I wrote that.

The funny thing is that when I first read Goodkind's books I found his magic system to be far more arbitrary and deus ex machina-like than any fantasy that I had read in a LONG time. I didn't see anything resembling an actual set of rules other than what he seemed to make up on the fly. Honestly, I found it to be one of the weakest points to the series from the very beginning, and I did in fact enjoy the series until book 7.
That's your opinion. Without having the same values and worldview as he, can you honestly claim that it is impossible that it all works in his head?I find it far more likely that we are simply not getting where he his coming from, that we lack the piece that makes it all fit together. Like trying to understand why religious people do things without taking God into the equation. There is probably some essential element of objectivism that they all take for granted which governs the whys and wherefores of his magic.

The similarities between the different factions in these series isn't so much about the specifics as much as they are about the generalities. It just seems that much more suspect when you consider that each of the these factions was not introduced until after a vaguely similar faction had been released by a more popular author of the same publisher. And the release wasn't even particularly distant from the Jordan's books. It very much, validly, gives one the feel that Goodkind was reading Jordan and saying 'Oooh, that's a great idea, I think I'll use that.' He never copied them enough to make it seem like a true copy which strangely makes it feel even MORE like it's copied. A coincidental similarity would seem more outwardly like Jordan's factions and thus less like it was copied.
Are you out of your mind? "It's not similar enough to be coincidence, therefore it has to be a cleverly disguised rip-off!" Seriously! Think about what you are saying! It doesn't hurt his case when you come out and go all conspiracy theory on him like this. And the level of similarity of the Seanchan to the Imperial Order is what I said above - it is simply a powerful foreign invader. At that very vague level of similarity, the inspiration or source material could have come from any number of hundreds of books, up to and including histories. The Seanchan were introduced in the Great Hunt in 1990, and the Imperial Order in Stone of Tears in 1996. THE YEARS ARE THE SAME EXCEPT FOR THE LAST DIGIT! COINCIDENCE?! I THINK NOT!!!!! I entered and graduated high school and had four different jobs in the interim between those books. Lots of stuff happens in six years and your claim of chronological juxtaposition is absurd.

That's a nice attempt to discredit anyone who claims to have once been a fan. However, I will say that I was once a fan, and my dislike for Goodkind has NOTHING to do with his message of objectivism. In fact, I am actually a big fan of Ayn Rand and her works.
That explains so much.
My issues with Goodkind have always lay in his lack of originality. I was sick of reading the same story time after time after time. Let me quickly give you a synopsis for basically EVERY Sword of Truth book I ever read.

"Oh I love Richard!"
"Oh I love Kahlan!"
"Let's get married!"
"Oh no! We can't get married because of <insert contrived plot device>"
"Oh I miss Richard! I wish we could be together!"
"Oh I miss Kahlan! I wish we could be together!"
"Oh joy! We have overcome the forces of darkness, and now we can be together again! Let's get married!"

Rinse and Repeat.

Ironically, the book that finally turned me off to him is the one book that he tried to do something original by exploring characters he hadn't explored yet. The shock of it all made me realize how repetitive and derived the previous books had all been. I find it even funnier that in his reasoning for going back to the world of Richard and Kahlan with those specific characters, he explains how much he hates writers that explore new characters in their familiar worlds rather than dealing with the same characters as all previous books, despite the fact that he himself did the very thing in Book 7 and it was an epic failure imo.
If you're referring to the one starring his sister, I would not consider that a failure or an attempt to explore other characters. Rather it was showing a different perspective on the same characters. That book had very little to do with Jensen and was mostly about Richard, despite his absence from all but the end. And given what he seems to be trying to say about the real world in his books, he seems to be making a valid point in his ham-handed way, about how the reputation one gets from one's enemies can affect how innocent or otherwise well-disposed parties can become your enemies, courtesy of slander and the belittlement of hateful or envious lesser men. For Goodkind, I thought that was actually a fairly successful and clever trick.

The man is a hack, and if I saw him on the street I would fight him.
Why? For being a hack? At least he does so in the most non-intrusive of media. It's not like other hacks such as Lady Gaga and that Glee bullshit that get slammed into your attention wherever you go. I think too many of his long-time reader/critics have become obsessed, like poking a bruise to feel the pain again, or tonguing a broken tooth, and keep reading despite knowing what they are getting into and then blaming him for "making" them endure another book of it. It's not like the TV show, for example, where you are forced to listen to the dialogue in order to enjoy the sight of Kahlan in her absurdly gratuitous costume.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Let's see if you are old enough to read this post....Or Goodkind is still a Jackass! - 02/08/2011 01:59:54 AM 9295 Views
He's better than Paolini... - 02/08/2011 04:48:58 AM 1395 Views
I haven't heard of Paolini being such a douche... - 02/08/2011 07:42:08 AM 1270 Views
So? What harm is he doing? - 02/08/2011 06:58:56 AM 1697 Views
book 6? Was that the second or third time Ricky got kidnapped/changed his captors way of thinking? - 02/08/2011 07:08:45 AM 1355 Views
But then you have to retract the rip-off assertion - 02/08/2011 01:58:28 PM 1307 Views
Er. You didn't answer her question: Why was Book 6 so groundbreaking? - 02/08/2011 02:07:18 PM 1290 Views
That was just a joke about her giving up the series. I didn't even recall which one was book 6 - 02/08/2011 02:28:06 PM 1351 Views
Derp. Sorry, it was too early in the morning for subtle humor. - 02/08/2011 07:17:23 PM 1265 Views
It's funny, though, because you hit the nail on the head with your random choice of number. - 02/08/2011 08:11:58 PM 1339 Views
I agree with all that - 03/08/2011 12:15:15 AM 1324 Views
Isn't that the one where Richard carves a statue that is so rad it inspires a rebellion? - 03/08/2011 12:02:10 PM 1333 Views
well to be fair, it's more complicated than that - 03/08/2011 05:27:59 PM 1223 Views
No, it's not. That is exactly what happens. *NM* - 04/08/2011 08:42:23 PM 584 Views
That's the one. - 03/08/2011 06:10:57 PM 1339 Views
As well as being the most overtly anti-communist & anti-religious of the series. - 06/08/2011 02:52:52 AM 1359 Views
but if Hitler painted really well... - 06/08/2011 03:44:52 AM 1169 Views
Re: So? What harm is he doing? - 02/08/2011 07:39:17 AM 1534 Views
Re: So? What harm is he doing? - 02/08/2011 02:26:02 PM 1250 Views
Heh. Goodkind sucks. And yet... I read all of SoT - 02/08/2011 02:14:45 PM 1388 Views
I did too. I don't know why. - 02/08/2011 04:52:47 PM 1454 Views
I have heard this from many people. - 02/08/2011 07:06:15 PM 1261 Views
No, definitely not. - 02/08/2011 07:19:25 PM 1236 Views
I read all the way through the end, and I thought the last couple books redeemed it in my eyes - 03/08/2011 12:11:56 AM 1207 Views
The revelation that Terry-um, I mean Richard, is God was retarded? For reals? *NM* - 03/08/2011 02:14:00 AM 600 Views
*shrug* I just didn't like the ending - 03/08/2011 04:01:40 AM 1339 Views
The funny thing about Goodkind - 02/08/2011 07:05:06 PM 1313 Views
Goodkind is still porn. - 03/08/2011 08:45:14 PM 1366 Views
I don't know, there are many authors who do it better. - 03/08/2011 09:48:33 PM 1267 Views
No no, not erotica. Porn. - 05/08/2011 02:46:23 PM 1206 Views
LOL they both seem to have the same effect on me *NM* - 05/08/2011 10:25:36 PM 633 Views
Wish I could say the same. *NM* - 08/08/2011 01:22:55 AM 544 Views
It makes you feel guilty after "doing" it? - 04/08/2011 12:52:09 AM 1338 Views
Of course - 05/08/2011 02:45:51 PM 1146 Views
sex should never make you feel guilty! - 06/08/2011 03:46:08 AM 1256 Views
hehe - 11/08/2011 01:41:16 AM 1307 Views
I find Terry Goodkind inspirational. - 06/08/2011 02:08:07 PM 1311 Views
So true! - 06/08/2011 08:13:00 PM 1137 Views
Did you hear? - 24/08/2011 04:28:51 AM 1475 Views

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