1) Jon Snow's heritage is explained in book 4 & 5. His mother's name is Wylla, she was a sailor's daughter who sailed Ned Stark safely through a storm during Robert's rebellion after her father, the ships captain, died. The reason Ned wanted to tell him who is mother was so badly wasn't because it was Lyanna (contrary to popular belief)it's because the last time he saw Jon, he promised to tell Jon who his mother was the next time he saw him. "When next we meet."
I was really happy when I read that in ADWD, but I assume the followers of the L+R-theory will just consider it a lie. I hope it's the truth, though.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
Jon Snow and the blood of the dragon
13/07/2011 09:43:04 PM
Re: Jon Snow and the blood of the dragon
13/07/2011 10:03:10 PM
Aww this makes me sad (SPOILERS!!!)
19/07/2011 05:20:27 AM
I wished!
19/07/2011 10:58:07 AM