Active Users:628 Time:11/03/2025 06:54:18 PM
I guess I'll find out when I start running out of place. Legolas Send a noteboard - 26/06/2011 10:05:35 PM
So: do you collect books?

I suppose. I hardly ever get rid of any, if that's what you mean.
do you purchase books specifically for collecting?

Not really, though in the case of series, once I have one or a couple I do try to get the rest (unless for some reason I'm only interested in one or a couple of the series), in the same edition if at all possible.
do you sell books when you are done with them?

I've never sold a book. Nor given away very much, so yeah, I guess I keep pretty much all the books I acquire. But then I don't acquire books at such a very fast rate.
do you borrow a lot of books in the library?

Yes. I'm starting to buy more now that I have a regular income, but still I couldn't do without the library.
do you buy used books?

Definitely. At the end of the day I don't care too much what a book looks like - not enough that I'd spend much more money on a nicer-looking or newer copy, anyway. So if I can get a book I want, or a book that seems interesting, in a used bookstore, for a cheap price, I certainly will. Though sometimes I guess I get overenthusiastic and buy books I never read.
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Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 26/06/2011 09:21:48 PM 843 Views
I collect, but I also purge - 26/06/2011 09:36:04 PM 933 Views
My answers - 26/06/2011 09:38:40 PM 710 Views
I guess I'll find out when I start running out of place. - 26/06/2011 10:05:35 PM 860 Views
I collect them. - 26/06/2011 10:24:52 PM 790 Views
My house is full of books. - 26/06/2011 10:40:53 PM 757 Views
Don't think i've ever thrown/given a book away - 26/06/2011 11:22:08 PM 839 Views
I collect. - 26/06/2011 11:42:14 PM 725 Views
I used to collect... - 27/06/2011 04:11:31 AM 802 Views
Ah. - 27/06/2011 12:50:54 PM 874 Views
my 1500 books say "yes" - 27/06/2011 04:53:42 PM 760 Views
weeell - 28/06/2011 11:54:13 PM 740 Views
Re: Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 29/06/2011 11:53:42 AM 879 Views
Re: Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 29/06/2011 02:15:55 PM 679 Views
Oh. - 29/06/2011 04:42:14 PM 753 Views
Re: Oh. - 29/06/2011 06:35:35 PM 740 Views
Mine..they are all mine.... - 29/06/2011 03:08:32 PM 719 Views
Re: Mine..they are all mine.... - 29/06/2011 03:12:34 PM 724 Views

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