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Re: Never. j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 24/06/2011 03:47:19 PM
But when using note books you have to write twice as much because you also have to provide context for your notes. And people opening your books in 50 years' time won't be able to go "huh".

Not really. If you want to make a note in a notebook all you have to is write where the passage is that your referencing. For example "The Dragon Reborn Chapter 3 Page 110" or whatever. It's not that difficult. Besides, are you really expecting your notebook to still be around in 50 years? I'm not. They are there for personal reference only.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
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Do you read with a pencil in hand? - 24/06/2011 01:04:13 PM 1481 Views
A heretic! Burn her! *NM* - 24/06/2011 01:07:20 PM 426 Views
I'll add notes in the margins of textbooks but not fiction or anything I read for enjoyment - 24/06/2011 01:49:20 PM 1027 Views
I can't stand non-mechanical pencils anymore. - 24/06/2011 02:08:02 PM 1062 Views
I actually really enjoy one or the other...for different tasks and reasons - 24/06/2011 02:39:13 PM 873 Views
As a lefty... - 24/06/2011 07:25:47 PM 1075 Views
Sinister... *NM* - 25/06/2011 01:16:02 AM 419 Views
Never. - 24/06/2011 02:05:40 PM 1010 Views
Re: Never. - 24/06/2011 02:08:21 PM 1121 Views
Re: Never. - 24/06/2011 03:47:19 PM 1039 Views
I like the idea but I typically don't bother - 24/06/2011 02:17:00 PM 958 Views
in pleasure reading books, never ever - 24/06/2011 02:35:03 PM 965 Views
Re: in pleasure reading books, never ever - 26/06/2011 09:14:01 PM 944 Views
No! - 24/06/2011 03:47:31 PM 994 Views
Re: No! - 26/06/2011 09:15:54 PM 926 Views
i haven't touched a pencil with intent since a drawing class ages ago. - 24/06/2011 04:36:13 PM 955 Views
Huh - 26/06/2011 09:16:47 PM 997 Views
it's interesting, i like the idea of the history, but, i don't like it when it's my book.. i hoard. *NM* - 27/06/2011 04:55:14 PM 444 Views
so do I. *NM* - 27/06/2011 05:01:54 PM 404 Views
HERESY! You will burn for this, Camilla - 24/06/2011 04:49:08 PM 909 Views
Oh dear. *NM* - 24/06/2011 09:14:36 PM 491 Views
I've never even heard of that - 24/06/2011 06:00:53 PM 872 Views
I used to edit a literary magazine, so I would always be folding corners of pages - 24/06/2011 06:17:44 PM 1141 Views
I don't think my Kindle would like that very much. *NM* - 24/06/2011 06:32:42 PM 450 Views
No - 24/06/2011 07:24:16 PM 979 Views
Never, except at uni with textbooks. *NM* - 24/06/2011 10:51:18 PM 408 Views
I only make notes/marks on copies, not originals - 24/06/2011 11:49:32 PM 944 Views
Re: I only make notes/marks on copies, not originals - 26/06/2011 09:18:12 PM 919 Views

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