I read this blog (linked below) in the Guardian, and I found it oddly comforting. I tend to read with a pencil in hand. Not always, but very often. I find that the better the book, the more I require a writing tool.
But I have also found that some people consider writing in books (and we are talking about books that you own, of course; not those a friend has lent to you or that you got from the library) a heresy on par with burning them.
I love finding writing in books as well, which is probably why I have kept up the habit despite the frequent disapproval from others. Books have histories, and if I am part of that history, I do not see how my making that visible detracts from the book at all.
Your thoughts?
I refuse to write in books that I'm reading for enjoyment. I also rarely write in textbooks. Writing in textbooks makes them worth less when you sell them back to the school. When I find something worth noting that's when I pull out a NOTE book. That's what they are for after all.
But when using note books you have to write twice as much because you also have to provide context for your notes. And people opening your books in 50 years' time won't be able to go "huh".
structured procrastinator
structured procrastinator
Do you read with a pencil in hand?
24/06/2011 01:04:13 PM
I'll add notes in the margins of textbooks but not fiction or anything I read for enjoyment
24/06/2011 01:49:20 PM
I can't stand non-mechanical pencils anymore.
24/06/2011 02:08:02 PM
I actually really enjoy one or the other...for different tasks and reasons
24/06/2011 02:39:13 PM
i haven't touched a pencil with intent since a drawing class ages ago.
24/06/2011 04:36:13 PM
26/06/2011 09:16:47 PM
it's interesting, i like the idea of the history, but, i don't like it when it's my book.. i hoard. *NM*
27/06/2011 04:55:14 PM
I used to edit a literary magazine, so I would always be folding corners of pages
24/06/2011 06:17:44 PM