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Do you read with a pencil in hand? - Edit 1

Before modification by Camilla at 24/06/2011 01:05:25 PM

I read this blog (linked below) in the Guardian, and I found it oddly comforting. I tend to read with a pencil in hand. Not always, but very often. I find that the better the book, the more I require a writing tool.

But I have also found that some people consider writing in books (and we are talking about books that you own, of course; not those a friend has lent to you or that you got from the library) a heresy on par with burning them.

I love finding writing in books as well, which is probably why I have kept up the habit despite the frequent disapproval from others. Books have histories, and if I am part of that history, I do not see how my making that visible detracts from the book at all.

Your thoughts?

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