Active Users:369 Time:12/03/2025 07:04:05 PM
That's correct. Nate Send a noteboard - 23/06/2011 01:41:51 PM
Note: I have never read a single Marvel comic in my life so take my answer with a pinch of salt.

Ultimates was a new line of comics that was launched 10-12 years ago, with most of the heroes featured made into younger versions of their usual selves. As far as I know, it was essentially a ploy to get younger readers in, and to fix the problem of the massive canon backlog that would be confusing to new readers of the older series'.

The Amazing Spider-Man is the "main" Spiderman series which has run since the Sixties.

This isn't the "real" Spider-man. The Ultimates line of Marvel comics were essentially a complete reboot, presenting younger characters as you said, from the beginning of their stories, and then telling a whole new chronology within that new comic line. They are completely separate from the main comics that have been running for 50 years. As such, who knows, they might even stick to this death. They'll probably put someone else in the suit so that there's still a Spider-man, but Peter Parker might stay dead in the Ultimates lineup, which is much better at sticking to its consequences because it's not the main story.
Warder to starry_nite

Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
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/comic: spiderman *possible spoiler, I don't know how widely known this is* - 23/06/2011 09:32:54 AM 822 Views
One word: Reichenbach. *NM* - 23/06/2011 11:03:44 AM 305 Views
yup. *NM* - 23/06/2011 11:05:04 AM 278 Views
It's Ultimates so it doesn't really matter. - 23/06/2011 11:45:12 AM 750 Views
That's correct. - 23/06/2011 01:41:51 PM 822 Views
Ultimate Spider-Man is actually really good - 24/06/2011 12:01:50 PM 730 Views

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