Active Users:251 Time:26/06/2024 09:33:53 PM
I don't know what that means. - Edit 1

Before modification by nossy at 10/05/2011 05:07:08 PM

Half-Dozen Challenge:

Read one Sci-fi, one Fantasy and one Spec Fic book (i.e. three separate books, and they can be books you've read before, if you like).

Ok, what's The Summer Tree? Fantasy, right? Then what the hey is the difference between sci fi and spec fic? I'm printing a list.

Genre Challenge

- Historical Fiction/Alternative History

- Western

- Horror

- Mystery/Crime

- (Auto-) Biography

- History

- Family chronicle
The Distant Hours might count.

- Allegory/parody/satire

- Surrealist novel

- Extra option for those who can: a novel in a foreign language

I need someone to look at what I've read and tell me what qualifies for what.:P

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