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Re: Your favorite sex scene (post here) Hopper Aes Sedai Send a noteboard - 17/04/2011 11:24:28 PM
interea magno misceri murmure caelum
incipit, insequitur commixta grandine nimbus,
et Tyrii comites passim et Troiana iuuentus
Dardaniusque nepos Veneris diuersa per agros
tecta metu petiere; ruunt de montibus amnes.
speluncam Dido dux et Troianus eandem
deueniunt. prima et Tellus et pronuba Iuno
dant signum; fulsere ignes et conscius aether
conubiis summoque ulularunt uertice Nymphae.
ille dies primus leti primusque malorum
causa fuit; neque enim specie famaue mouetur
nec iam furtiuum Dido meditatur amorem:
coniugium uocat, hoc praetexit nomine culpam.
extemplo Libyae magnas it Fama per urbes,
Fama, malum qua non aliud uelocius ullum...

Aeneid Book IV
I am a wolf that can channel saidin.
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Your favorite sex scene (post here) - 10/04/2011 08:04:15 AM 1833 Views
Romulan + Iulette - 10/04/2011 08:23:27 AM 824 Views
Sandman: Brief Lives by Neil Gaiman. - 10/04/2011 07:02:28 PM 1044 Views
That is good. *NM* - 11/04/2011 01:52:31 AM 367 Views
Gaiman's American Gods. - 11/04/2011 09:17:14 AM 920 Views
This request is causing me a great deal of distress. - 11/04/2011 04:12:19 PM 1072 Views
*nods* - 11/04/2011 07:43:48 PM 953 Views
You have to type up some samples for me, b/c so far I think your crazy. I love that paragraph. *NM* - 11/04/2011 11:42:26 PM 289 Views
"you're", not "your". And the paragraph was awful. - 12/04/2011 12:28:02 AM 752 Views
Yes, and punctuation marks go inside the quodation marks, "like so." - 12/04/2011 05:16:55 PM 907 Views
Wait... they do? - 14/04/2011 03:26:10 AM 724 Views
No they don't, at least not in my reply. - 14/04/2011 05:44:50 AM 779 Views
Re: No they don't, at least not in my reply. - 14/04/2011 04:38:37 PM 710 Views
That would be wrong and ugly. - 14/04/2011 04:51:05 PM 725 Views
... *NM* - 14/04/2011 04:52:20 PM 320 Views
Substantive critique of that travesty of an attempt at writing: - 14/04/2011 06:00:16 AM 808 Views
Re: Substantive critique of that travesty of an attempt at writing: - 14/04/2011 04:30:58 PM 790 Views
Once more into the breach - 14/04/2011 05:27:37 PM 917 Views
I agree with you on some points, disagree on others. - 14/04/2011 06:57:07 PM 977 Views
Only in America - 14/04/2011 04:36:38 PM 895 Views
I understand why you like this. - 12/04/2011 02:35:37 AM 762 Views
Would one I wrote myself count? - 14/04/2011 12:23:43 PM 761 Views
No. *NM* - 21/04/2011 04:35:47 AM 319 Views
I read a good one last night... by Tanith Lee! - 16/04/2011 08:38:52 PM 677 Views
Re: Your favorite sex scene (post here) - 17/04/2011 11:24:28 PM 944 Views
Oh that Roman erotica - 22/04/2011 10:14:21 PM 729 Views
I really enjoyed that. - 23/04/2011 06:20:57 AM 711 Views

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