Active Users:414 Time:13/03/2025 05:11:43 PM
Re: The second book has already set up the technological details, and so is more focused. Danae al'Thor Send a noteboard - 11/04/2011 03:11:19 PM
It's definitely very hard SF - which I enjoy - so I didn't find that to be a detractor. I don't even recall there being that much technical detail, it seemed like the plot was focused on the explosion and mystery on the miners' planet, and Catherine Li's growing suspicion of the government deliberately erasing her memory and her dealing with traumatic events of her past (and coming to terms with her own humanity, and that of the AI). I'd really liked this book.

I think I liked the sequel, Spin Control, even better, because it was more focused and personal. And - there is a 3rd book coming out sometime on the horizon.

The preview excerpt for Ghost Spin is very alarming. I'm fond of Cohen!
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Spin State by Chris Moriarty - 11/04/2011 12:16:37 PM 8357 Views
This makes me want to re-read the book. - 11/04/2011 03:09:51 PM 1555 Views
Re: The second book has already set up the technological details, and so is more focused. - 11/04/2011 03:11:19 PM 1581 Views
I did not expect to come across Bose-Einstein condensate here - 12/04/2011 08:42:14 AM 1577 Views
Re: The book's reference section runs to nearly 10 pages. - 13/04/2011 09:31:20 AM 1698 Views
This sounds pretty cool. - 12/04/2011 10:21:04 AM 1548 Views
Re: I rec it highly. *NM* - 13/04/2011 09:31:38 AM 879 Views
It was ok. - 12/04/2011 05:33:44 PM 1492 Views
Also, some of it didn't make sense. - 12/04/2011 05:34:57 PM 1642 Views
I think that's what they call dystopia - 12/04/2011 06:07:19 PM 1600 Views
No, that's not what dystopia is. - 21/04/2011 04:30:43 AM 1639 Views

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