i said that 5 years would be the highest conceivable amount of time that it would take someone to write an epic fantasy novel. not that 5 was acceptable but six wasnt. the paradox of the heap notwithstanding, this is a trivial point as it seems clear that when there are a multitude of authors who put out books at a yearly or biyearly pace. why should grrm be any different?
You still haven't answered the question. Why is 5 years the highest amount acceptable? Why not 9 or 4? What process led you to believe that 5 years is that maximum possible amount given the number of SF and Fantasy novels that have taken longer to come out?
So by what standard do you judge too long or too short? For novels or anything? By your rationale we can't make any metaphysical claim about anything that works in grades. This is commonly known as the paradox of the heap, but also known as the fallacy of the heap, go wiki it. It's a logical fallacy. I personally think 3 years is pushing too long. If you're working 4 to 6 hour days, it shouldn't be extraordinarily hard to write a 300k word book in a year, two years if youre slow and the editing process was exhaustive. So considering his organizational problems, I think it should have taken 4 years (were he a normal hard working writer). I said 5 only to appease the Martin-sympathizer. So if it's 6.... there should be no room for consideration it's too long.
heres a bit of information. people dont suddenly develop heart diseases. you have them for a while before they are diagnosed. they start to cause problems, which is why you go to the doctor, who tells you that somethings wrong. now i dont presume to know the process with which rj and harriet found out he had amyloidosis. but its not at all hard to imagine that he felt many of the symptoms prior to diagnosis. and what do you now, around that time, it took him longer to write KoD. call me crazy.
Well, we could engage in guesswork and supposition. Or we could, you know, actually check out what Robert Jordan himself said about it on his blog at the time:
Jordan felt somewhat ill on Memorial Day 2005 (which was after the manuscript of KoD had been submitted), followed by a recurrence whilst attending a showing of SPAMALOT a week later. He had it looked into and the diagnosis came after KoD had come out.
So Jordan's illness did not manifest any symptoms at all before KoD was completed and handed in.
KNIFE OF DREAMS took longer to write because Jordan took a break after CROSSROADS to write the NEW SPRING novel. And yes, he got slagged off for that massively at the time.
Jordan felt somewhat ill on Memorial Day 2005 (which was after the manuscript of KoD had been submitted), followed by a recurrence whilst attending a showing of SPAMALOT a week later. He had it looked into and the diagnosis came after KoD had come out.
So Jordan's illness did not manifest any symptoms at all before KoD was completed and handed in.
KNIFE OF DREAMS took longer to write because Jordan took a break after CROSSROADS to write the NEW SPRING novel. And yes, he got slagged off for that massively at the time.
Look, I'm not about to call RJ a liar. But I'm also not about to admit that he was completely honest about this process. I mean, this is the man who conceived of Aes Sedai...He said he felt ill on Memorial Day which led him to get a check up, which led to the diagnosis. Now maybe RJ was especially careful about his health and went in whenever he felt the slightest thing wrong. Personally, I saw him as someone who wouldn't take much thought to a little discomfort and keep writing. His pace had long slowed down to a book every two years, so that's a sign his stamina wasn't the same anymore. But most importantly, one does not develop a heart condition over night. You don't wake up, feel bad, go to the doctor, and get told that overnight you developed a serious heart condition. It's not as if he had a heart attack. We're talking about a condition that likely affected him for months before he was diagnosed if not years.
despite all the information against martins work ethic and focus, i might still be willing to cut him some slack if not for the fact that i not once heard him say that he was writing at a 2k word per day pace. nor did i hear him mention what kind of pace he wrote at. he is a great writer, no question. but if youve any experience writing, i think you can realize that he is a little on the lazy side.
That's because writing is not a mechanical process. Sit down, bash out 2,000 words a day, rinse and repeat until it's done. The only writer I know who comes close to doing that and is any good is Steven Erikson. Everyone else in that bracket - Salvatore, Feist, Anderson, Goodkind - sucks donkey ass.
You're also cherry-picking what points to respond to and ignoring the ones that torpedo your arguments. So I want to know how your argument stacks up against:
1) The specific, major writing, structural and timeline problems that were encountered during the writing of ADWD, some stored up and repeatedly put-off since Martin started writing the series twenty years ago.
2) The fact that ADWD is almost 450,000 words long in manuscript, half again the length of the previous book in the series, 70,000 words longer than any Wheel of Time or Malazan novel, and longer in word-count than LORD OF THE RINGS in its totality, which took twice as long to write.
3) That 2,000 words a day as an average presupposes that 50% of writers will work slower than that and 50% will work faster. And Martin has the misfortune to fall into the lower half of that bracket, along with many, many others.
You're also cherry-picking what points to respond to and ignoring the ones that torpedo your arguments. So I want to know how your argument stacks up against:
1) The specific, major writing, structural and timeline problems that were encountered during the writing of ADWD, some stored up and repeatedly put-off since Martin started writing the series twenty years ago.
2) The fact that ADWD is almost 450,000 words long in manuscript, half again the length of the previous book in the series, 70,000 words longer than any Wheel of Time or Malazan novel, and longer in word-count than LORD OF THE RINGS in its totality, which took twice as long to write.
3) That 2,000 words a day as an average presupposes that 50% of writers will work slower than that and 50% will work faster. And Martin has the misfortune to fall into the lower half of that bracket, along with many, many others.
I'm not at all ignoring the points that "torpedo" my arguments. I've already "nuked" them in the OP and countless other posts which you haven't taken the time to read.
(1) Granting that Martin had huge structural issues, 6 years is still too long a time for a writer to take, supposing he is making writing his full time job as a professional writer ought to. Why, you ask? A professional writer typically writes for 4-6 hours a day. If you're doing less than that, it's either bc you are spending time researching your topic or outlining/taking notes. In the first case, an author may not get to write for years. However, Martin isn't writing anything that requires exhaustive research. This is fantasy not historical fiction. In the latter case, a significant amount of time still ought to be put towards writing. Taking all those ideas into account, 2k words is not something hard to manage.
But let's suppose he writes at half the average pace. So this guy is one of the slowest writers out there. He writes at a 1k word per day pace. Fair enough? And let's say he writes five days a week for a year. 5x52 is? 260. 260x1000=260,000. Granted all those are estimates, but I think they are estimates in favor of a SLOW pace for Martin. Let's even deduct two weeks worth of writing for vacation. So let's say he manages 250k words in a year. I assume by the 250k word mark in adwd he realized that things weren't working out. But just to give him the benefit of the doubt, let's say he didn't realize till 300k words, which is around the length of his previous books. So around ten weeks into his second year working on adwd he comes to the conclusion this isn't working out and scraps it.
That leaves 42 weeks left in the year, then another 104 over the next two years. I won't even count this sixth year for editing and publication reasons. Assuming he writes 50 out of the 52 weeks, he's got as much as 140 weeks at which he should be pumping out something around 5k words per week.
OK, so what do we have here. A guy who writing 1k words per day, takes weekends off and a 2 week vacation every year can't manage to finish his book in 140 weeks? Assuming he keeps a decent pace, his book should be around 700k words. Deduct a months worth of sick days over that span of time (which is a little under 3 years) and we still have 136 weeks with which to work. Thats 680,000 words.
I'm sorry. I have given him every possible break I can. Who is even sick for a month over a three year period without a serious medical condition? A lazy ass, that's what. Or someone who is very distracted with other things. What more evidence can you ask for?
How about this: if adwd is 450k words, and he had 136 weeks with which to write it, then he is writing at a pace of 660 words per day. So apparently he is slower than you say Bakker is, who has got to be one of the slowest writers I've ever heard of. Seriously, 660 words per day is horrendously slow. That's a little over 3k words per week. So Martin is writing barely more than what some writers write in a day.
Motivations to write faster due to the LONG ass time his fans have been waiting notwithstanding, there's no excuse for this.
(2)Yeah sorry, Tolkien had some other things on his mind, like WWII. Not to mention he never considered himself a full time writer. It was what he did on the side. He always considered himself a linguist, which is why he taught at oxford despite achieving quite a bit of fame with the Hobbit and LotR. Not to meniton, LotR took so long because Tolkien face the difficulty of getting started. Once he found his story, it didn't take an incredibly long time. It was published between 1954 and 1955. But even if you don't accept that point, the main reason it took a long time was because Tolkien was always a teacher and linguist first and a writer second. The Hobbit started off as a story for his kids, for goodness sake.
(3)I've assumed he is a REALLY REALLY slow writer in above arguments and still shown that he should have finished earlier. So even assuming that slow pace is NOT indicative of a lazy or distracted writer, we have shown that Martin's pace is inexcusable. What other explanation is left other than lazy or negligent?
You must unlearn what you have learned.
A Dance With Dragons
22/03/2011 11:43:01 PM
See, I disagree.
23/03/2011 01:05:59 AM
Also, I think we all know GRRM has more interest than just writing
23/03/2011 05:06:34 AM
23/03/2011 01:17:57 AM
Yeah but, come on, 6 years? And 5 years for the book before that? *NM*
23/03/2011 05:05:01 AM
The way I see it ...
23/03/2011 03:59:35 AM
what this guy said. so true. not enough time in the day for all the cool stuff. i can wait *NM*
23/03/2011 04:39:35 AM
If people are upset with him, don't buy the book.
23/03/2011 07:52:02 AM
Re: If people are upset with him, don't buy the book.
23/03/2011 01:22:09 PM
Do you guys literally have nothing else to read?
24/03/2011 06:40:51 AM
do you realize how little time is spent on whining and bitching?
24/03/2011 10:06:16 AM
Re: Do you guys literally have nothing else to read?
24/03/2011 03:58:11 PM
23/03/2011 10:19:33 PM
24/03/2011 10:11:29 AM
Re: *sigh*
24/03/2011 01:56:51 PM
24/03/2011 02:44:00 PM
Re: Well
25/03/2011 12:17:08 AM
apparently you cant read...
25/03/2011 12:37:51 AM
Seriously? You don't know how Jordan's illness manifested itself?
25/03/2011 02:19:23 AM
I'm glad you mentioned LotR
25/03/2011 03:21:46 AM
Can we please stop making baseless comparisons to Lord of the Rings? Thanks.
25/03/2011 06:22:50 AM
And can we try to strive for accuracy in what we are saying? Thanks.
25/03/2011 08:24:51 AM
Yeah, and im sure WWII, which his son was fighting in, wasn't a distraction at all
25/03/2011 01:09:22 PM
He still went to work, bucko.
25/03/2011 06:57:26 PM
Are you seriously that naive?
25/03/2011 01:07:39 PM
I think you're relying on math way too much to interpret the situation.
25/03/2011 08:48:32 PM
I don't care at all after so long a wait, but I do love watching the fanboys scramble to defend him. *NM*
24/03/2011 01:20:15 AM
Your complaints would find more resonance if he hadn't announced a publication date yet.
24/03/2011 01:55:01 PM
Re: A Dance With Dragons
24/03/2011 02:06:48 PM
Re: A Dance With Dragons
24/03/2011 03:08:27 PM
But Sanderson's book was a mess. *NM*
24/03/2011 09:35:56 PM
Was it really? Which one was this? *NM*
25/03/2011 03:40:58 AM
ToM. Still was better than what Jordan was writing, though.
25/03/2011 06:21:49 AM
27/03/2011 11:32:39 PM
I thought it was pretty damn good, personally. *NM*
25/03/2011 05:13:25 AM
I enjoyed it a lot more than I enjoyed any of Jordan's recent books.
25/03/2011 06:20:47 AM
This thread is becoming vaguely ridiculous.
25/03/2011 01:31:40 PM
I think about half of the responses are just from Malkierknight. *NM*
25/03/2011 05:11:18 PM
These threads are always ridiculous. I'm both astounded & not at all surprised that there's another
25/03/2011 06:39:34 PM
Are you familiar with Minecraft?
25/03/2011 07:05:56 PM
It always astounds me that the developers at Valve aren't hanging from street lamps outside their HQ
25/03/2011 09:07:56 PM
26/03/2011 09:25:28 PM
I'd delete it for you to tidy up, but I think two posts by CNRedDragon is a good thing. *NM*
27/03/2011 07:49:55 AM
Jaysus, it's not like he's maliciously holding back the book on you
25/03/2011 03:46:00 PM
Re: Jaysus, it's not like he's maliciously holding back the book on you
25/03/2011 04:31:31 PM
Re: Your math up above
25/03/2011 04:45:23 PM
Re: Your math up above
26/03/2011 02:43:03 PM
That was gentle ribbing, not ad hom. Calm down.
26/03/2011 04:22:24 PM
Re: That was gentle ribbing, not ad hom. Calm down.
26/03/2011 05:09:19 PM
When you see people like Nate, Tash, or Rebekah, you don't have to worry.
26/03/2011 06:59:01 PM
I see that I need to work on my reputation.
28/03/2011 05:49:30 PM
Perhaps it is the same as one does not speak ill of fairies or elves.
28/03/2011 11:22:17 PM
A very wise man once informed people that George R. R. Martin is not their bitch.
26/03/2011 09:26:15 PM
He hasn't only been working on A Dance With Dreams. So Chill Already! *NM*
27/03/2011 04:26:17 PM