Active Users:644 Time:23/02/2025 04:38:28 AM
Good thinking... DomA Send a noteboard - 08/03/2011 09:51:22 PM
but I am growing more happy by the day that I resisted my friends' attempts to get me to read his books despite the series not being completed (I swore off starting new uncompleted series once started to really have to wait for Robert Jordan).

So *cough* ner-ner &c.
A little bit, anyway.

Personally I've started GRRM's series knowing nothing of his publishing pace and read the first three volumes in a row.

Waiting for previous one, and based on experience with Jordan just like you (and how time-consumming it was to re read everything again before every release, and to use other means to keep it fresh to my memory like discussion forums) and realising I'd get in the very same situation of having to re read the previous volumes everytime, I've stopped reading ASOIAF until it's completed and I could read it all in one go. As far as I'm concerned, GRRM can take 20 more years, I've freed myself and looking at what happened with DWD I can only be happy I did.

It's more or less my personal guideline for series: if it's not finished and it's longer than 2-3 books, it needs to be simple enough that I won't have to re read the previous books at each new release, or else I wait until it's all done. Of course, it means I've more or less stopped reading the new multi-volume sagas at all. Bakker, Sanderson and co: all no-no's. Others like Lynch fall in the "simple enough it doesn't need re reads" category.

I only made one exception since and it's for Erikson. I started reading him (really read him that is... years earlier I had multiple failed attempts at finishing his first book) so late in the game it didn't matter (though the complaints about this later books made me hesitate a bit... for nothing as it turned out as I didn't share the feeling the were no longer as good myself) and he had an excellent track record for regular publication of his new tomes. I merely took a break of 3 months before reading DoD so I could finish not too soon before TCG.

I guess at some point I realised for me waiting for books could be socially fun (but time-consumming), but otherwise it's a wholly negative experience. With the re reads, following more than one or two ongoing series would eat up way, way too much of my reading time. Even "excitement" and "anticipation" are very overrated. In my experience it leads most of the time to creating way too many expectations (even more when it's a shared experience in a fan community, I think).

Similarly, I've stopped watching all "serials" type of TV shows and wait for the DVD/Blue Ray.
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We have a date! From George! Rejoice! - 03/03/2011 02:10:17 PM 3009 Views
Thanks for the news. A few questions. - 03/03/2011 02:38:35 PM 2086 Views
Agreed... I worked for a band who did this all the damn time - 03/03/2011 02:50:06 PM 1724 Views
The publisher has it already. - 03/03/2011 04:01:43 PM 1895 Views
It is odd - 03/03/2011 02:53:22 PM 1858 Views
Apparently EW published the story early. - 03/03/2011 08:37:01 PM 1856 Views
Re: Thanks for the news. A few questions. - 03/03/2011 03:59:34 PM 1737 Views
Thanks for the info. Any idea if... - 03/03/2011 04:07:44 PM 1643 Views
I'm very pleased I got here first Sorry Wert - 03/03/2011 08:52:08 PM 1612 Views
Hurrah! - 03/03/2011 02:51:21 PM 1783 Views
I know! - 03/03/2011 08:52:43 PM 1658 Views
Chinese Democracy had a date too. Or a couple of them - 03/03/2011 03:20:26 PM 1760 Views
You know, Axl Rose went through my mind when I read this as well... - 03/03/2011 03:21:59 PM 1861 Views
Yes indeed, but nobody cares about it any more *NM* - 03/03/2011 08:53:17 PM 938 Views
I was thinking it would be closer to Christmas. - 03/03/2011 04:58:41 PM 1797 Views
As was I, truthfully. - 03/03/2011 08:54:12 PM 1625 Views
This is what you do so that you get to read it first. - 06/03/2011 04:44:29 PM 1744 Views
I'm used to waiting, I'll just wait until it comes out on paperback. - 03/03/2011 05:11:11 PM 1606 Views
Are you in the US? - 03/03/2011 05:46:06 PM 1623 Views
So, when will Winds be finished? Already? *NM* - 03/03/2011 08:54:45 PM 975 Views
Dear God I thought this would never happen - 03/03/2011 05:22:03 PM 1735 Views
that's what she (his wife) said. - 03/03/2011 05:31:24 PM 1782 Views
Dear God is right, you're alive! - 03/03/2011 08:55:33 PM 1489 Views
Barely - 03/03/2011 09:03:46 PM 1649 Views
what a great day to randomly visit this site - 04/03/2011 04:02:21 AM 1699 Views
and hi there Bad Ash - 04/03/2011 04:04:06 AM 1919 Views
What is this, oldbie week? Good to see you back as well! *NM* - 04/03/2011 06:42:29 PM 866 Views
Too late. I've already given away my GRRM books to the library and I'm not going to go back to ... - 03/03/2011 05:29:09 PM 1571 Views
Not even a tiny bit of joy? *NM* - 03/03/2011 08:56:17 PM 1011 Views
Nope. Nada. Zilch. GRRM who? Yeah, it's like that. xD *NM* - 03/03/2011 09:03:59 PM 1079 Views
Oh, you're cold *NM* - 03/03/2011 09:12:08 PM 1000 Views
Cold as ice! *NM* - 04/03/2011 12:47:12 AM 975 Views
Do we have another AFFC in terms of quality and let-down? *NM* - 03/03/2011 06:26:42 PM 1055 Views
I'm just glad I'm not the only one who thought that AFFC was bad. - 03/03/2011 08:25:38 PM 1449 Views
The best characters weren't in it - 03/03/2011 08:39:32 PM 1545 Views
I keep thinking I am the only one who didn't think AFFC was bad *NM* - 04/03/2011 09:43:44 AM 998 Views
Nope, I'm with you. *NM* - 04/03/2011 06:43:25 PM 895 Views
Well, as Shannon said, the best characters are in Dance. - 03/03/2011 08:57:26 PM 1806 Views
I'm curious: A Question - 03/03/2011 08:14:21 PM 1767 Views
It's a trilogy - 03/03/2011 08:21:55 PM 1618 Views
Seven books. - 03/03/2011 08:31:51 PM 1709 Views
Re: Seven books. - 04/03/2011 12:10:01 AM 1607 Views
Curiosity killed the cat! - 03/03/2011 09:00:20 PM 1566 Views
Did you know tomorrow is Cat Day?? - 04/03/2011 12:07:02 AM 1675 Views
I did not. Hmm. - 04/03/2011 12:36:49 PM 1713 Views
It probably won't come out on July 12th. - 03/03/2011 08:29:28 PM 1480 Views
That would be extremely expensive. - 03/03/2011 08:34:45 PM 1618 Views
I think it will, so there - 03/03/2011 09:01:21 PM 1614 Views
Re: I think it will, so there - 03/03/2011 09:03:05 PM 1642 Views
*wrong spot* *NM* - 08/03/2011 05:43:45 PM 1012 Views
I'll believe it when I'm holding a copy in my hands! *NM* - 03/03/2011 08:42:08 PM 942 Views
And you'll take it from my cold, dead ones - 03/03/2011 09:02:25 PM 1494 Views're Coldhands? *NM* - 03/03/2011 09:06:07 PM 951 Views
Dammit, she gives the game away - 03/03/2011 09:14:28 PM 1630 Views
Lies. *NM* - 03/03/2011 09:45:04 PM 889 Views
Nyet! Honest-to-goodness truth! *NM* - 04/03/2011 12:37:30 PM 916 Views
I do not mean to gloat - 03/03/2011 09:59:48 PM 1708 Views
I think we both know that's a lie, missie. - 04/03/2011 12:38:13 PM 1775 Views
- 04/03/2011 09:00:42 PM 1553 Views
A wise move - 06/03/2011 11:46:04 PM 1619 Views
Good thinking... - 08/03/2011 09:51:22 PM 1739 Views
Re: Good thinking... - 08/03/2011 11:17:48 PM 1710 Views
Re: Good thinking... - 09/03/2011 01:39:45 AM 2006 Views
Awesome. Amazon better get it delivered very soon after that date. *NM* - 03/03/2011 10:11:18 PM 961 Views
I think they will. - 04/03/2011 12:41:38 PM 1556 Views
Savage cabbage! - 03/03/2011 11:34:10 PM 1661 Views
I like your style. - 04/03/2011 12:43:31 PM 1501 Views
Thank you - 04/03/2011 05:25:23 PM 1664 Views
<head explodes> *NM* - 04/03/2011 02:50:48 AM 911 Views
You made a mess *NM* - 04/03/2011 12:43:52 PM 957 Views
<still standing body twitches a half-step then slipping on own splattered brain matter> *NM* - 06/03/2011 02:27:09 PM 944 Views
I admire your artistry *NM* - 07/03/2011 01:03:09 PM 924 Views
Oh no, bad news everyone - 04/03/2011 08:49:37 AM 1881 Views
Pfffft. - 04/03/2011 12:44:19 PM 1655 Views
Suh-weet! - 04/03/2011 03:04:35 PM 1718 Views
So exciting - 07/03/2011 01:02:45 PM 1739 Views
I just screamed like a Justin Bieber fan. I ain't ashamed, either. *NM* - 06/03/2011 04:40:33 PM 904 Views
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - 07/03/2011 01:03:37 PM 1693 Views
I don't see an ebook version available yet!!! - 07/03/2011 08:06:47 AM 1263 Views
Here (with link) - 07/03/2011 08:28:29 PM 1695 Views
Hurrah! Thank you! - 08/03/2011 08:53:32 AM 1449 Views
Hey, Thats my birthday! - 07/03/2011 04:53:44 PM 1220 Views
That's probably why they chose the date. - 08/03/2011 12:39:15 PM 1557 Views
I'll read your book George, when it actually comes out - 08/03/2011 05:49:33 PM 1615 Views
Re: I'll read your book George, when it actually comes out - 08/03/2011 08:35:36 PM 1656 Views
I know the in accuracies in believing Amazon - 08/03/2011 10:43:17 PM 1842 Views
Re: I know the in accuracies in believing Amazon - 09/03/2011 12:03:38 AM 1648 Views
True - 11/03/2011 05:00:05 PM 1587 Views
Re: True - 11/03/2011 08:41:24 PM 1775 Views
Borders is offering a 50% discount in pre-orders and I didn't bite. That's how over GRRM I am. *NM* - 10/03/2011 02:51:41 PM 969 Views
Positively Arctic. I recoil from your frigidity! *NM* - 11/03/2011 12:58:32 PM 970 Views
I'm the world's answer to global warming! xD *NM* - 11/03/2011 03:31:46 PM 921 Views

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