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Re: Midnight Tides Monkeyfister Send a noteboard - 30/01/2011 10:18:52 PM
is so slow. Is it worth it to finish? I'm about halfway there. The Edur are so boring...

Anyway, the reason why I chug along is because of Tehol and Bugg. I hope their scenes don't get old too fast.

That new WoT book on my shelf is starting to get tempting.

Tehol, Bugg, and their friends were the only reason I made it through "Midnight Tides." The entire story of the Edur-- three stinking books worth-- was pure garbage. Were it not for the Malazans finally showing up in later books, I would have given up on the entire series. I actually rejoiced at the Edur's demise, just knowing that I wouldn't have to slog through their miserable crap any longer. I skipped or crudely skimmed whole Edur chapters through the books. Yep-- dude's still a crazy, undead tyrant, the rest are wallowing in pity... next chapter-- AHHHHH! Tehol and Bugg and Shirq Elal!

I think the entire Toblakai (sp) plot thread was terrible, too. Of all the races and groups that Erikson wants to "color in," I have no desire to buy any of the Toblakai books. I see nothing interesting or useful, or even compelling about the Toblakai. Karsa Orlong holds absolutely no interest to me. Chest-thumping egomaniacal killer for his own pride's sake. Nothing more. YAWN.

But, hang in there-- because there are some really spectacular moments involving Bugg, the Eddict Brothers' circle of friends, and all of the Edur tripe sets up the arrival of the Malazans.

Erikson wastes a LOT of ink-- entire books-- on a couple of cultures that are simply too boring and screwed-up for a reader to care about, but the rest of the series is well worth the few long slogs.
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Midnight Tides - 23/01/2011 03:30:31 PM 967 Views
Most people rather like it. - 23/01/2011 03:55:40 PM 821 Views
I absolutely hated it. - 23/01/2011 05:19:20 PM 726 Views
Sadly, - 24/01/2011 02:54:15 PM 714 Views
Re: Midnight Tides - 24/01/2011 12:53:40 AM 851 Views
I should be already used to Erikson - 24/01/2011 02:22:53 AM 738 Views
It's the sudden shift of setting and characters - 24/01/2011 02:57:06 AM 724 Views
The lines they have are similar to - 24/01/2011 03:13:26 AM 754 Views
Re: Midnight Tides - 30/01/2011 10:18:52 PM 797 Views
Re: Midnight Tides - 31/01/2011 03:54:01 AM 848 Views

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