Every time I pick up a book for a re-read, or just to re-organize my shelves, I always remember what I was doing, how I felt healthwise... all manner of different things about the first time I read that book.
I remember the day I started reading "A Game Of Thrones" clear as day. I was healing a broken back, and the pain-killers were causing me problems, so I quit them. I was in the onset of withdrawal, and looking for a LONG Epic series. I was sweating, shaking, in pain, and everything was wrong as I squatted in front of the shelf at the book store-- trying to simply focus and make a decision.
The SQWAWK of the Cop's radio nearly shot me through my skin. I looked up, startled out of my wits, my head reeling in pain, and there was Officer Friendly, offering me "A Game Of Thrones," and telling me that it was an excellent book and start of a big series.
I took the book, and nearly ran to the checkout.
I read "Eye of the World" and "The Great Hunt" while in Navy Boot Camp. I can still remember turning the pages while lying in my rack, while others did chores.
"Harry Potter and The Sorceror's Stone" I bought only because I had finished another book too early, and had a long flight. I never thought I would actually like it... Silly me. Finished it in three days, and bought the next book for the return flight.
My copy of "Winter's Heart" still smells of the Jasmine flowers that I got in trouble picking from the terraces of the Convention Center in San Francisco. The TSA goon complimented me on the scent.
Funny how books can be such amazing bridges to one's past memories.
I remember the day I started reading "A Game Of Thrones" clear as day. I was healing a broken back, and the pain-killers were causing me problems, so I quit them. I was in the onset of withdrawal, and looking for a LONG Epic series. I was sweating, shaking, in pain, and everything was wrong as I squatted in front of the shelf at the book store-- trying to simply focus and make a decision.
The SQWAWK of the Cop's radio nearly shot me through my skin. I looked up, startled out of my wits, my head reeling in pain, and there was Officer Friendly, offering me "A Game Of Thrones," and telling me that it was an excellent book and start of a big series.
I took the book, and nearly ran to the checkout.
I read "Eye of the World" and "The Great Hunt" while in Navy Boot Camp. I can still remember turning the pages while lying in my rack, while others did chores.
"Harry Potter and The Sorceror's Stone" I bought only because I had finished another book too early, and had a long flight. I never thought I would actually like it... Silly me. Finished it in three days, and bought the next book for the return flight.
My copy of "Winter's Heart" still smells of the Jasmine flowers that I got in trouble picking from the terraces of the Convention Center in San Francisco. The TSA goon complimented me on the scent.
Funny how books can be such amazing bridges to one's past memories.
Do you remembere where you were when you read a book?
23/01/2011 10:48:21 AM
Ender's Game was a knee hurting exercise for me
23/01/2011 03:35:34 PM
Yep. It's Sort Of Funny...
30/01/2011 09:39:28 PM