Re: Ender's Game was a knee hurting exercise for me
Camilla Send a noteboard - 23/01/2011 04:02:36 PM
As it was the middle of the night and there was no chair in the kitchen. Cold water from the ref kept me going and I had about 20% more of the book left. I stood leaning on the kitchen counter smoking some Marlboros Reds.
I finished it there thinking I would put it down after a chapter ended.
Boy was I wrong.
I am intrigued. Was it because the chapter was very long, because the book has no chapters, or because you did not stop after one chapter? I have never read the book.
structured procrastinator
structured procrastinator
Do you remembere where you were when you read a book?
23/01/2011 10:48:21 AM
Ender's Game was a knee hurting exercise for me
23/01/2011 03:35:34 PM
Re: Ender's Game was a knee hurting exercise for me
23/01/2011 04:02:36 PM