Active Users:583 Time:09/03/2025 10:09:35 PM
Maybe. Werthead Send a noteboard - 01/01/2011 05:11:18 PM
Or rather, the next book of A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE will almost certainly be released in 2011. Whether that book is called A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, A DANCE WITH DRAGONS PART I, or the first half of what was formerly A DANCE WITH DRAGONS but now has a new title, remains to be seen.

But with 1,650+ pages of material ready to go (including the stuff formerly moved into THE WINDS OF WINTER), something will likely be published in 2011 as that is too much to fit into a single volume. I'm still holding out hope that ADWD is released in one volume slightly longer than ASoS and there doesn't need to be a split, as that will cause further tiresome controversy.
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Will A Dance with Dragons be released in 2011? - 31/12/2010 04:33:59 PM 2371 Views
LOL. - 31/12/2010 04:39:54 PM 1236 Views
42 *NM* - 31/12/2010 08:41:14 PM 559 Views
Never going to happen. *NM* - 31/12/2010 11:15:34 PM 613 Views
Maybe. - 01/01/2011 05:11:18 PM 1386 Views
Re: Will A Dance with Dragons be released in 2011? - 02/01/2011 08:50:59 PM 1280 Views
no - 04/01/2011 10:46:21 AM 1166 Views
that book is the literary equivalent of "duke nukem forever" *NM* - 05/01/2011 01:27:17 PM 684 Views
Duke Nukem Forever is still coming out - 05/01/2011 02:17:24 PM 1123 Views
- 05/01/2011 02:44:00 PM 1499 Views
Not a very good one then. - 05/01/2011 07:00:58 PM 1199 Views
until there's a product on the shelves.... - 06/01/2011 07:37:34 AM 1084 Views
I'm going to repost this question next year!!! *NM* - 06/01/2011 12:10:51 AM 641 Views
No *NM* - 18/01/2011 03:20:54 PM 740 Views
I gladly admit being wrong *NM* - 31/08/2011 06:37:33 AM 660 Views
yes *NM* - 31/08/2011 09:51:40 PM 537 Views
why is this still getting replies? *NM* - 02/09/2011 04:10:48 PM 577 Views
Because of this*. - 02/09/2011 04:50:29 PM 1217 Views
the smartassy would be me *NM* - 03/09/2011 03:08:45 PM 532 Views
You? No! - 04/09/2011 01:19:51 AM 1210 Views
Wait replying to a thread... - 04/09/2011 05:39:28 AM 1214 Views
You'll note - 05/09/2011 03:59:31 AM 1233 Views

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