Re: I'm in the midst of re-reading The Tower of the Swallow - Edit 1
Before modification by Ellestra at 29/11/2010 01:17:53 AM
Well, it's almost as bad as having to spend $50-60 per book to import them all (split into 8 volumes for the Spanish edition, as The Lady of the Lake was divided in two there) from Spain 

Ouch. I hate when the publishers split books. Especially since those are not that long. Maybe you should've learned Polish instead (or Czech, or Russian)

Just following the Spanish convention here, since I'm (from necessity) reviewing the Spanish translations as much as the stories themselves. There, the two short story volumes and the five novels are referred to as La saga de Geralt, Libros I-VIII. The final half of The Lady of the Lake was only published a few months ago, so I decided to review/re-read the other volumes before reading/reviewing the final volume.
So you haven't read the last volume yet? I wonder what you'll think about the ending.
I think it's going to be fun hinting at just who (and what) Regis is when I review Baptism of Fire tonight/tomorrow evening. yes, there certainly is a lot that happens here, all without development being sacrificed.
I tried to think about something to say without spoiling but I don't think I can. It seems so obvious now. He proves that anything can be cool if written properly

I don't know if it's as much fun in Spanish (or English) as it is in Polish but in Polish it's so quotable 

It's a struggle not to quote a lot more from the Spanish translation (like the unicorn bit from this particular book), but the English translation of The Last Wish and Blood of the Elves underwhelmed me.
I need to go and read English version some day. Just for curiosity's sake.
And something about "rodents" and someone in black armor?
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