Active Users:343 Time:31/03/2025 04:19:13 PM
I always forget Bellatrix is married. Darth_Katie Send a noteboard - 26/11/2010 03:28:24 AM
I agree. I wonder whether the other female death eaters are under Voldemort's spell in the same way as Bellatrix. Could there be some way in which it is acceptable for them to act as something outside their position as women based on some sort of obsession cult around Voldemort? I am speculating wildly now, in an attempt to make sense of the apparent contradiction. Or is there a married woman/unmarried aspect? Bellatrix was married, but what happened to her husband? Did he get killed?

According to Harry Potter Wikia, "J.K. Rowling has revealed that Bellatrix Lestrange's true love was Voldemort[7], suggesting that the Lestranges' marriage was not affectionate, at least on the part of Bellatrix, who merely made 'a respectable pure-blood marriage,' as was expected of her. Rodolphus's feelings are not known."

Interesting. Goodness knows what he was up to during the entirety of the books. That webpage suggests he was at the Dpt of Mysteries and the Battle of Hogwarts, but it never specifies what happened to him at the end.
Insert theme music here.
Rodolphus Lestrange
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The Great Harry Potter Re-read: Book 7 - The Deathly Hallows - 24/11/2010 07:47:44 PM 3930 Views
Suggestions - tell us what we could do better for this final discussion. - 24/11/2010 07:48:22 PM 1758 Views
Spoilers for book 7? - 24/11/2010 09:07:28 PM 1891 Views
Re: Spoilers for book 7? - 24/11/2010 09:13:42 PM 1732 Views
*cough* - 16/12/2010 01:05:05 PM 1897 Views
The series as a whole: overall thoughts about the Harry Potter universe and all it contains - 24/11/2010 07:49:21 PM 1797 Views
I think it was/is so successful because... - 06/12/2010 11:06:59 PM 1864 Views
Overall thoughts for The Deathly Hallows - 24/11/2010 07:50:12 PM 1864 Views
This might be the only book other than the first where I actually like Harry. - 30/11/2010 03:13:25 PM 1770 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 30/11/2010 03:22:20 PM 975 Views
Argh, I keep mixing everything up with the movie! - 04/12/2010 03:45:24 PM 1902 Views
Re: Argh, I keep mixing everything up with the movie! - 04/12/2010 10:33:03 PM 1921 Views
all the un-evil ones. - 04/12/2010 11:54:22 PM 1802 Views
Re: all the un-evil ones. - 04/12/2010 11:57:09 PM 1871 Views
It's not as boring as I thought it was. - 06/12/2010 10:52:17 PM 1714 Views
Having finished it again... it's good, at times great, but not the best book in the series, imho. - 26/12/2010 08:19:47 PM 2019 Views
Yes and no - 26/12/2010 09:21:11 PM 1917 Views
Chapters 1-3: The Dark Lord Ascending, In Memorian, The Dursleys Departing. - 24/11/2010 07:51:29 PM 1864 Views
Characters: Voldemort, the Death Eaters, Harry, Dodge, Dumbledore, Skeeter & the Dursleys - 24/11/2010 07:52:55 PM 1892 Views
Snape, Draco, Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Harry, Ms Burbage, Dumbledore, and the Dursleys. - 24/11/2010 11:46:16 PM 1994 Views
Draco, female Death Eaters, Dumbledore. - 25/11/2010 04:44:36 PM 2051 Views
Re: Draco, female Death Eaters, Dumbledore. - 25/11/2010 04:53:25 PM 1940 Views
I always forget Bellatrix is married. - 26/11/2010 03:28:24 AM 2215 Views
As Katie said, the husband is still around. - 26/11/2010 10:56:30 AM 1950 Views
Re: As Katie said, the husband is still around. - 26/11/2010 11:12:18 AM 1933 Views
Dudley - 30/11/2010 01:40:09 PM 1985 Views
Re: As Katie said, the husband is still around. - 06/12/2010 08:41:56 PM 1839 Views
Re: Charity Burbage - 25/11/2010 06:47:43 PM 1870 Views
Re: Charity Burbage - 25/11/2010 06:48:52 PM 1780 Views
Re: Charity Burbage - 27/11/2010 11:35:48 AM 1914 Views
Re: Charity Burbage - 27/11/2010 11:37:28 AM 1892 Views
Dudley - 30/11/2010 03:16:25 PM 1776 Views
Re: Dudley - 30/11/2010 03:23:02 PM 1962 Views
And hated that it's not in the movie - 04/12/2010 04:15:31 PM 1900 Views
Plotting, writing, early themes. - 24/11/2010 07:53:33 PM 1856 Views
*spoilers for book 7* - 24/11/2010 11:47:19 PM 1999 Views
Correction - 25/11/2010 12:38:57 AM 1880 Views
Re: Correction - 25/11/2010 12:40:48 AM 1831 Views
Re: *spoilers for book 7* <--- - 27/11/2010 11:42:47 AM 2075 Views
Anything else? *NM* - 24/11/2010 07:53:46 PM 815 Views
The epigraphs. - 24/11/2010 10:06:58 PM 1954 Views
I had considered making a separate section just for them. - 27/11/2010 11:44:01 AM 1791 Views
other stuff - 24/11/2010 11:47:54 PM 1726 Views
I've always thought Rowling went overboard with the Nazi links. - 25/11/2010 04:26:58 PM 1708 Views
Re: I've always thought Rowling went overboard with the Nazi links. - 27/11/2010 01:20:44 AM 1817 Views
Isn't it "the dear departed" and "dearly beloved"? *NM* - 26/11/2010 11:32:22 PM 924 Views
Maybe? - 26/11/2010 11:34:32 PM 1687 Views
Chapters 4-6: The Seven Potters, The Fallen Warrior, The Ghoul in Pyjamas *NM* - 26/11/2010 07:27:53 PM 919 Views
Characters: Harry, the Order, Hedwig, Mr & Mrs Tonks, Voldemort, etc - 26/11/2010 07:29:48 PM 1838 Views
Re: the film & Hermione - 26/11/2010 08:38:05 PM 1700 Views
Oh yes. - 26/11/2010 08:46:23 PM 1841 Views
Re: the film & Hermione - 27/11/2010 01:24:40 AM 1768 Views
Re: the film & Hermione - 27/11/2010 12:01:19 PM 1715 Views
Me too - 04/12/2010 03:40:38 PM 1749 Views
The Delacours - 30/11/2010 03:01:35 PM 1746 Views
Re: The Delacours - 30/11/2010 03:23:33 PM 1685 Views
The Plot. The Writing. The Other Technical Things. - 26/11/2010 07:30:35 PM 1718 Views
Re: The Plot. The Writing. The Other Technical Things. - 27/11/2010 11:59:36 AM 2089 Views
Re: The Plot. The Writing. The Other Technical Things. - 30/11/2010 03:05:38 PM 1926 Views
Yes, Dumbledore gives a very complex answer about the wand thing - 01/12/2010 08:44:57 PM 1716 Views
The Portkeys make a certain amount of sense, actually. - 06/12/2010 08:56:24 PM 2150 Views
Good point! - 06/12/2010 09:59:11 PM 1816 Views
Any other thoughts? *NM* - 26/11/2010 07:30:49 PM 922 Views
Re: Any other thoughts? - 27/11/2010 01:30:12 AM 1757 Views
Re: Any other thoughts? - 27/11/2010 03:30:26 AM 1743 Views
Re: Any other thoughts? - 27/11/2010 12:04:21 PM 1805 Views
Mr Weasley's additions to the motorbike are hilarious. - 27/11/2010 06:48:50 PM 1804 Views
Chapters 7-9: The Will of Albus Dumbledore, The Wedding, A Place to Hide - 29/11/2010 06:39:52 PM 1694 Views
The characters: usual suspects, Scrimgeour, Doge, Krum, Luna, Xenophilius, etc. - 29/11/2010 06:41:41 PM 1797 Views
Mrs Weasley, Ginny, Lupin, Mr Lovegood, Luna, Hermione - 29/11/2010 06:56:31 PM 1848 Views
Re: Mrs Weasley, Ginny, Lupin, Mr Lovegood, Luna, Hermione - 30/11/2010 01:54:33 PM 1933 Views
I just realized something about Krum. - 06/12/2010 09:00:28 PM 1763 Views
Re: I just realized something about Krum. - 06/12/2010 09:55:00 PM 1726 Views
Re: I just realized something about Krum. - 06/12/2010 10:06:01 PM 1919 Views
The action. - 29/11/2010 06:42:10 PM 1684 Views
Plotting, mainly. - 29/11/2010 06:57:06 PM 1805 Views
Hermione and obliviate. - 30/11/2010 02:23:51 PM 1761 Views
Re: Hermione and obliviate. - 30/11/2010 03:24:06 PM 1814 Views
I think this was a Rowling mistake. It happens - 01/12/2010 08:32:25 PM 1837 Views
I wondered that same thing. *NM* - 02/12/2010 05:09:49 AM 925 Views
I might have my timeline mixed up - 04/12/2010 04:12:50 PM 1812 Views
Re: I might have my timeline mixed up - 09/12/2010 02:38:44 AM 1828 Views
Kreacher quoting Regulus raises an interesting point... - 06/12/2010 08:33:02 PM 1951 Views
Re: Kreacher quoting Regulus raises an interesting point... - 06/12/2010 09:52:59 PM 1904 Views
IIRC - 06/12/2010 10:06:23 PM 1983 Views
Re: IIRC - 06/12/2010 10:09:44 PM 1888 Views
Please, sir, may I have some more? *NM* - 29/11/2010 06:44:14 PM 871 Views
I want magic for my wedding *NM* - 29/11/2010 06:57:29 PM 914 Views
I'll see what I can do. *NM* - 30/11/2010 02:58:17 PM 968 Views
I love the use of Patronuses (Patroni?) as messengers. - 30/11/2010 02:59:04 PM 1821 Views
Re: I love the use of Patronuses (Patroni?) as messengers. - 30/11/2010 03:24:35 PM 1696 Views
And back in book 4. Dumbledore sends Hagrid a message like this - 01/12/2010 08:33:46 PM 1768 Views
Chapters 10-12: Kreacher's Tale, The Bribe, Magic is Might - 01/12/2010 11:41:40 PM 1679 Views
Characters: more of the trio, Kreacher, Mundungus, RAB and Umbridge - 01/12/2010 11:42:34 PM 1702 Views
Hermione and Ron, Sirius, Regulus, Kreacher, Lupin, Harry, Scrimgeour - 02/12/2010 09:11:21 AM 1996 Views
I'm not sure why we're supposed to be surprised about Scrimgeour. - 06/12/2010 09:46:27 PM 2009 Views
Not surprising, perhaps. - 06/12/2010 09:56:58 PM 1782 Views
Two things about Mafalda Hopkirk. - 06/12/2010 09:54:53 PM 1787 Views
Re: Two things about Mafalda Hopkirk. - 06/12/2010 10:05:57 PM 1819 Views
Re: Two things about Mafalda Hopkirk. - 06/12/2010 10:10:27 PM 1747 Views
And? And? And? *NM* - 01/12/2010 11:43:46 PM 917 Views
Chapters 13-15: The Muggle-Born Registration Commission, The Thief, The Goblin's Revenge *NM* - 04/12/2010 11:01:25 AM 1067 Views
Plotting, writing, theming. - 04/12/2010 11:08:47 AM 1957 Views
Anything else? *NM* - 04/12/2010 11:10:52 AM 943 Views
It may be a stretch, but with all the Nazi references, any WW2 reference is gonna catch my eye. - 06/12/2010 10:09:04 PM 1811 Views
Good catch - 06/12/2010 10:19:21 PM 1691 Views
Chapters 16-18: Godric's Hollow, Bathilda's Secret, The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore - 06/12/2010 09:57:00 PM 1818 Views
Characters: Harry, Hermione, Bathilda, Dumbledore and others - 06/12/2010 09:57:52 PM 1894 Views
Dumbledore, Hermione and Harry, Voldemort and Rita Skeeter. - 06/12/2010 10:02:13 PM 1925 Views
Re: Dumbledore, Hermione and Harry, Voldemort and Rita Skeeter. - 06/12/2010 10:14:26 PM 2008 Views
Re: Dumbledore, Hermione and Harry, Voldemort and Rita Skeeter. - 06/12/2010 10:18:15 PM 2102 Views
Re: Dumbledore, Hermione and Harry, Voldemort and Rita Skeeter. - 06/12/2010 10:34:15 PM 1787 Views
Re: Dumbledore, Hermione and Harry, Voldemort and Rita Skeeter. - 06/12/2010 10:36:18 PM 1811 Views
Re: Dumbledore, Hermione and Harry, Voldemort and Rita Skeeter. - 06/12/2010 10:39:58 PM 2056 Views
Re: Dumbledore, Hermione and Harry, Voldemort and Rita Skeeter. - 06/12/2010 10:42:27 PM 1686 Views
Re: Dumbledore, Hermione and Harry, Voldemort and Rita Skeeter. - 06/12/2010 10:46:58 PM 1727 Views
Re: Dumbledore, Hermione and Harry, Voldemort and Rita Skeeter. - 06/12/2010 10:48:59 PM 1688 Views
I was interpreting it as sheer sexism, but you might be right. - 07/12/2010 08:47:11 PM 1717 Views
Re: I was interpreting it as sheer sexism, but you might be right. - 07/12/2010 08:55:54 PM 1743 Views
True, but still. *NM* - 07/12/2010 10:02:00 PM 888 Views
Lights! Camera! Action! - 06/12/2010 09:59:52 PM 1789 Views
Hallows and Fidelius Charm. - 06/12/2010 10:03:33 PM 1941 Views
That could be it... or some snake senses, vibrations and all? - 07/12/2010 10:03:16 PM 1740 Views
But wait! There's more! - 06/12/2010 10:00:34 PM 1757 Views
As nutty as squirrel poo. - 06/12/2010 10:04:11 PM 1444 Views
Re: As nutty as squirrel poo. - 06/12/2010 10:32:04 PM 1789 Views
Oh, hadn't realized that yet either... nice one. *NM* - 07/12/2010 08:54:18 PM 921 Views
Chapters 19-21: The Silver Doe, Xenophilius Lovegood, The Tale of the Three Brothers - 08/12/2010 08:47:04 PM 1832 Views
Characters: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Lovegood ... and not many more. *NM* - 08/12/2010 08:49:28 PM 974 Views
Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 09/12/2010 12:01:57 AM 1923 Views
Re: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 09/12/2010 03:04:11 PM 1960 Views
Re: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 09/12/2010 08:03:05 PM 1840 Views
Re: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 09/12/2010 11:48:08 PM 2037 Views
Re: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 10/12/2010 08:44:01 PM 1864 Views
Re: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 10/12/2010 09:00:44 PM 1820 Views
Re: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 10/12/2010 09:16:48 PM 1792 Views
Re: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 10/12/2010 09:19:38 PM 1814 Views
Re: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 19/12/2010 06:58:04 PM 1747 Views
Re: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Xenophilius, Luna and Dumbledore. - 20/12/2010 09:36:17 AM 1773 Views
What was that again about Hermione not being so good at thinking on her feet? - 09/12/2010 07:52:23 PM 1830 Views
Very, very true. *NM* - 09/12/2010 11:54:06 PM 899 Views
Action, plot, writing, theme: the Deathly Hallows explained at last. - 08/12/2010 08:50:53 PM 1907 Views
Re: Action, plot, writing, theme: the Deathly Hallows explained at last. - 09/12/2010 12:04:37 AM 1810 Views
Re: Action, plot, writing, theme: the Deathly Hallows explained at last. - 09/12/2010 03:25:53 PM 1792 Views
I don't think it works that way. They aren't "used up". - 09/12/2010 06:52:29 PM 1760 Views
Re: I don't think it works that way. They aren't "used up". - 09/12/2010 11:49:38 PM 1747 Views
Re: I don't think it works that way. They aren't "used up". - 10/12/2010 04:18:25 AM 1943 Views
up up down down left right left right b a select start. look at me I have 99 horcruxes! - 10/12/2010 04:19:56 AM 1509 Views
It is, but the general idea was clear. *NM* - 10/12/2010 08:45:55 PM 886 Views
They're not so annoying yet, now. - 09/12/2010 06:56:46 PM 1713 Views
Re: They're not so annoying yet, now. - 09/12/2010 11:52:02 PM 1893 Views
Anything else you'd like to say? *NM* - 08/12/2010 08:51:31 PM 906 Views
Chapters 22-24: The Deathly Hallows, Malfoy Manor, The Wandmaker. - 10/12/2010 09:11:32 PM 1698 Views
Characters: The Trio, the Malfoys, Dobby, a number of others. *NM* - 10/12/2010 09:12:30 PM 943 Views
Hermione, Harry, Lupin, Greyback, Draco, Lucius, Bellatrix, Dobby, Dumbledore - 10/12/2010 11:23:09 PM 2001 Views
Re: Hermione, Harry, Lupin, Greyback, Draco, Lucius, Bellatrix, Dobby, Dumbledore - 13/12/2010 08:47:27 PM 1824 Views
On a side note about wands - 14/12/2010 06:05:13 PM 1852 Views
Yes, I've caught myself immaturely sniggering on occasion, too. - 14/12/2010 08:59:26 PM 1867 Views
Harry: - 19/12/2010 11:14:51 PM 1740 Views
Re: Harry: - 20/12/2010 09:42:31 AM 1810 Views
Re: Harry: - 20/12/2010 12:54:14 PM 1859 Views
Other comments or discoveries? *NM* - 10/12/2010 09:14:38 PM 911 Views
Chapters 25-27: Shell Cottage, Gringotts, The Final Hiding Place - 13/12/2010 10:03:15 PM 1727 Views
Plot, action, etc. *NM* - 13/12/2010 10:04:02 PM 898 Views
red herring, fidelius charm information and full circle. - 14/12/2010 05:17:11 PM 1658 Views
The Gringotts book one reference fits into the pattern. - 14/12/2010 10:13:50 PM 1888 Views
Re: The Gringotts book one reference fits into the pattern. - 14/12/2010 10:27:35 PM 1934 Views
Re: red herring, fidelius charm information and full circle. - 20/12/2010 03:37:36 PM 2104 Views
Re: red herring, fidelius charm information and full circle. - 20/12/2010 07:37:07 PM 1810 Views
Other things. *NM* - 13/12/2010 10:04:23 PM 806 Views
Film stuff - 14/12/2010 05:17:18 PM 1752 Views
Excellent point. - 14/12/2010 10:05:01 PM 1739 Views
Re: Excellent point. - 14/12/2010 10:09:53 PM 1757 Views
Are we talking about film or book here? - 20/12/2010 12:58:46 AM 1656 Views
Both, ideally. - 20/12/2010 09:43:06 AM 1687 Views
Sometimes Rowling's parallels are far too simplistic and unsophisticated. - 20/12/2010 03:39:50 PM 1752 Views
I had not made the goblin/Jews connection *NM* - 22/12/2010 09:31:59 AM 916 Views
Seconded. - 26/12/2010 08:29:44 PM 1849 Views
Chapters 28-30: The Missing Mirror, The Lost Diadem, The Sacking of Severus Snape *NM* - 16/12/2010 01:07:20 PM 937 Views
Characters *NM* - 16/12/2010 01:07:31 PM 870 Views
Aberforth and Dumbledore, Neville, Ginny, Luna, McGonagall, Harry, Percy, Fleur and the twins - 16/12/2010 11:52:46 PM 2019 Views
Various characters. - 20/12/2010 01:10:42 AM 1790 Views
I think Percy's coming to his senses makes sense enough... - 26/12/2010 08:47:10 PM 2132 Views
Re: Aberforth and Dumbledore, Neville, Ginny, Luna, McGonagall, Harry, Percy, Fleur and the twins - 20/12/2010 05:16:13 PM 1864 Views
I seem to recall Dumbledore making a comment... - 26/12/2010 08:34:03 PM 1976 Views
Yes - 26/12/2010 09:18:56 PM 1784 Views
Writing, action, plot, theme, yadda yadda yadda. *NM* - 16/12/2010 01:08:04 PM 892 Views
red herrings, solutions, evil Hogwarts and the forces of good - 16/12/2010 11:53:56 PM 1843 Views
Re: red herrings, solutions, evil Hogwarts and the forces of good - 20/12/2010 05:38:46 PM 1814 Views
Re: red herrings, solutions, evil Hogwarts and the forces of good - 20/12/2010 11:06:01 PM 2020 Views
Other things. *NM* - 16/12/2010 01:08:25 PM 914 Views
Filch and a password. - 16/12/2010 11:51:24 PM 1789 Views
Re: Filch and a password. - 20/12/2010 05:41:02 PM 1759 Views
Chapters 31-33: The Battle for Hogwarts, The Elder Wand, The Prince's Tale - 19/12/2010 07:56:39 PM 1815 Views
Characters: far too many to mention. - 19/12/2010 07:58:41 PM 1693 Views
Too many to mention, indeed. - 20/12/2010 09:30:54 AM 2045 Views
Re: Too many to mention, indeed. - 20/12/2010 07:02:05 PM 1900 Views
Re: Too many to mention, indeed. - 20/12/2010 11:24:46 PM 1809 Views
Re: Too many to mention, indeed. - 26/12/2010 09:46:25 PM 2187 Views
The action, and plot advancement and completion. - 19/12/2010 08:00:09 PM 1842 Views
memories, cinematic moments and parallels. - 20/12/2010 09:32:27 AM 1607 Views
Re: memories, cinematic moments and parallels. - 20/12/2010 07:17:18 PM 1913 Views
Re: memories, cinematic moments and parallels. - 20/12/2010 11:17:57 PM 1788 Views
Re: memories, cinematic moments and parallels. - 01/01/2011 10:39:27 PM 1784 Views
Re: memories, cinematic moments and parallels. - 02/01/2011 10:29:38 AM 1920 Views
Other matters. *NM* - 19/12/2010 08:00:39 PM 822 Views
More film stuff. - 20/12/2010 09:33:23 AM 1668 Views
Chapters 34-36: The Forest Again, King's Cross, The Flaw in the Plan - 20/12/2010 07:31:27 PM 1695 Views
Characters: Voldemort, Harry, Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, et al. - 20/12/2010 07:32:15 PM 1727 Views
Harry, Dumbledore, Neville, the Malfoys, Molly and Voldemort - 20/12/2010 11:28:19 PM 1857 Views
The Malfoys and Molly - 01/01/2011 10:55:28 PM 1943 Views
Re: The Malfoys and Molly - 02/01/2011 10:35:47 AM 1940 Views
Tying up the plot. - 20/12/2010 07:33:00 PM 1710 Views
Narnia, blood, revenge of the downtrodden, sacrifice, plans and souls - 20/12/2010 11:29:44 PM 1833 Views
Anything else? - 20/12/2010 07:33:53 PM 1765 Views
Epilogue: the future. - 20/12/2010 07:35:06 PM 1832 Views
Re: Epilogue: the future. - 20/12/2010 11:31:28 PM 2115 Views
I'm the other way around - I mind it less this time. - 26/12/2010 09:52:21 PM 1852 Views

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