Re: - not unlike the ancients, then -- no, but unlike a lot of moderns
Camilla Send a noteboard - 15/09/2009 06:35:50 PM
Interesting. I'm not entirely sure how revolutionary the distinguishing of gods/cults by use of epithet is, since it's fairly well documented by the Romans themselves (I can't speak to the Greeks, but I assume it was so with them as well EDIT: Wait, yes I can. Pallas Athena; never mind). Maybe revolutionary in a modern context.
In any case, a book that essentially practices reverse syncretism would be very interesting. How has it aged, though? As you note, '77 was quite a while ago.
In any case, a book that essentially practices reverse syncretism would be very interesting. How has it aged, though? As you note, '77 was quite a while ago.
I am noting his use of epiteths because there is all too much conflating going on when people talk about Greek mythology. There is an assumption that Zeus is Zeus and Apollon is Apollon. Burkert makes the distinctions explicit.
As I said, I find it hard to evaluate the book properly, but it was assigned as the main course text when I took Ancient Greek and Roman Religion at University some five or so years ago. He has a very historical approach, which I like; but compared to newer approaches to religion, there is little focus on sociology and feminism. Then, again, that is part of the reason why I like it.
structured procrastinator
structured procrastinator
/Non-fiction: Greek Religion by Walter Burkert
15/09/2009 05:50:14 PM
"He solves the problem of designation by assigning them epithets" - not unlike the ancients, then
15/09/2009 06:29:57 PM
Re: - not unlike the ancients, then -- no, but unlike a lot of moderns
15/09/2009 06:35:50 PM