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Yes, sort of... Jacob Send a noteboard - 15/09/2009 06:05:14 PM
It was a good idea.
I also liked that ending.
Hell, I even liked the scary deadly ninja monks.
If he had taken another year to develop his characters, and taken a writing class or two, it could have been a good book. Which it isn't. And that annoys me.

From what I understand he took a few years to develop the entire book, didn't he?

Sanderson works on a lot of ideas all the time. If you check out his website, you'll see that he tracks the progress of several of his different projects that are going on at the same time. Elantris developed over time, but I'm pretty sure that he was working on the beginnings of Mistborn, Warbreaker, Way of Kings, and other ideas and projects at the same time. You can definitely see as a reader that Sanderson develops as a writer with each new novel. I think that what Camilla is saying is that Elantris was a great idea and had great elements, but Sanderson didn't quite pull them together and deliver a consistently good story. It had the potential to be great, but the end result was a great idea with a flawed delivery.
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Just finished with Elantris. *Spoilers (If I need to say it)* - 15/09/2009 02:47:49 PM 576 Views
I liked his magic *spoilers* - 15/09/2009 05:52:09 PM 460 Views
Re: I liked his magic *spoilers* - 15/09/2009 05:59:08 PM 451 Views
Re: I liked his magic *spoilers* - 15/09/2009 06:00:29 PM 435 Views
Yes, sort of... - 15/09/2009 06:05:14 PM 460 Views
I am glad you are here to translate for me - 18/09/2009 02:37:05 PM 520 Views
He is excellent at creating magic systems - 22/09/2009 05:13:32 PM 451 Views
I enjoyed it - 16/09/2009 11:35:23 PM 457 Views
Re: I enjoyed it - 17/09/2009 03:41:32 PM 471 Views
I enjoyed it immensley. - 21/09/2009 04:18:10 AM 442 Views

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