2nd Annual Holiday Bookshelf: What books should you ask for, buy for others, read? Ask away! - Edit 2
Before modification by Jacob at 03/12/2010 12:26:16 AM
At this time of year, a lot of people are thinking about gifts, either what they might want or what they might want to buy for others. Also, the holidays are a great time to pick up a book and read something new. Are there new books/authors out there that you just don't know much about? Are there books/authors that you like and you're hoping to find more like them? Are you hoping to find that perfect book for a friend that might not read a lot of a particular style of story?
This thread is intended to help people with some ideas.
If you're are looking for some new book/author suggestions, either for you to put on your wish list or for a book to buy for friends or family, post your question here. Include any parameters or qualifications that you think will help get the best suggestions. The three Books admins will do our best to respond to every post. Also, everyone is welcome to respond too with recommendations, comments, or discussions of titles and authors. This is not just limited to fantasy or sci-fi. Literature, history, biographies, epic fantasy, steam punk... fiction or non-fiction, this thread is open to your questions and suggestions.
So, if you're like me and you use this time of year to expand your library, or take a chance on a new book/author/style, now is a great chance to ask for a little help. We'll see if the community here can help give us all some good ideas.
At this time of year, a lot of people are thinking about gifts, either what they might want or what they might want to buy for others. Also, the holidays are a great time to pick up a book and read something new. Are there new books/authors out there that you just don't know much about? Are there books/authors that you like and you're hoping to find more like them? Are you hoping to find that perfect book for a friend that might not read a lot of a particular style of story?
This thread is intended to help people with some ideas.
If you're are looking for some new book/author suggestions, either for you to put on your wish list or for a book to buy for friends or family, post your question here. Include any parameters or qualifications that you think will help get the best suggestions. The three Books admins will do our best to respond to every post. Also, everyone is welcome to respond too with recommendations, comments, or discussions of titles and authors. This is not just limited to fantasy or sci-fi. Literature, history, biographies, epic fantasy, steam punk... fiction or non-fiction, this thread is open to your questions and suggestions.
So, if you're like me and you use this time of year to expand your library, or take a chance on a new book/author/style, now is a great chance to ask for a little help. We'll see if the community here can help give us all some good ideas.