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Interesting questions! - Edit 2

Before modification by Sophy at 15/09/2009 07:21:04 AM

1. Do you read non-fiction on a regular basis? If so, what do you typically read?

I read a lot of books on history and religion. At times I find new exciting interests and reads heaps on them as well. As for the past two months or so I've read tons of books about evolution and cellular biology.

2. Do you enjoy (whether you have read it recently or not) any of the following categories of books?

- history Love it! All parts of history!!!
- biography Love some of it, hate other. There are two kinds of biographys in my world: The ones simply telling you about a person and the ones telling you how much better that person is that anyone else. I like the first cathegory.
- religion Love it! Read everything!
- world cultures Love it!!! Read everything!
- science and mathematics For the time being evolutionalbiology, and I'm always fond of astronomy, and sometimes I read other stuff as well, not plenty though.
- political theory No
- philosophy Read some, less now than when I was younger.
- art and architecture (including film and TV) Quite a lot. Mainly about painting though.
- psychology Some.
- literary criticism Some

3. What is your favorite work of non-fiction (please exclude religious/devotional works from this question)?

The Golden Branch! It's very weirdly put together, and not at all scientific after toways way to see things, but I find it very cute.

And yes - it is about religion, but it's just cathegorising the different believes all over the world, not a work of a religious person, so that's not counting, right?

4. Would you be interested in reviews of non-fiction books on this site?


5. Have you read any non-fiction book recently that was terrible? If so, what?

Not as I can remember. I tried reading a book about cellular biology that I didnt understand at all. That felt a bit terrible, but that was hardly the books fault, more that I was stupid.

6. Was there a non-fiction book that you read that changed the way you thought or felt about world issues (again, please exclude religious and devotional works from this question) ?

Not as I can remember.

7. Do you consider books about the occult to be non-fiction or fiction? Why?

Nonfiction. Even if I'm very sceptical to what they are telling - science is always science even if you dont believe in it.

8. In your personal library at home, what percentage of your books are non-fiction?


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