I didn't like the moralizing. It was fitting for that character, but I couldn't quite convince myself that it was Adam speaking in character rather than the author trying to push an agenda. And that was annoying, especially given the suspense (is that even the right word for his style of story resolution?) throughout the rest of the novel.
I suppose suspense is the right word. It was definitely suspended.
I definitely enjoyed it. Between this book and Never Let Me Go, I'm realizing how much I appreciate not being told what is happening. I'm also learning how much not being told what is happening drives me crazy (in a good way). I was thinking about writing a review, but only one thing is stopping me - part of what I would mention is that this book is SOOOO packed with little quotes, historical references and shout outs. I'm sure I missed hidden meanings, and that also annoys me. Those I did catch really helped make the book for me. Ie: your example as one I didn't miss: Orwell/Huxley = "Optimists."
Not being told what is happening is quite fun. It is one of those things I really like in literature, too. When you are unsettled. It is good for the brain, I think. Like shaking off dust.
I think I have to spend some time thinking about it before I say anything.
Yes. I had the same problem. It does not resolve easily into one feeling (good/bad or one of those others).
structured procrastinator
structured procrastinator
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
30/07/2010 10:50:08 AM
I think the reason why the first story worked so well for me is the setting.
30/07/2010 11:25:22 AM