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Re: Non-Fiction survey random thoughts Send a noteboard - 14/09/2009 09:24:35 PM survey is as follows:

1. Do you read non-fiction on a regular basis? If so, what do you typically read?

About every other book and it depends but probably more history then anything else
2. Do you enjoy (whether you have read it recently or not) any of the following categories of books?

- history

yes and mostly military history

- biography

some. My wife likes to read presdental biographies and I read some of those.

- religion

not in general and the n more from a historical point of view

- world cultures


- science and mathematics

science yes and mostly related to evalution or some times the history of science, when and how things were invented.

I am more likely to read science magazines then science books

- political theory

not normally

- philosophy

not to much. Most if reads like so much BS

- art and architecture (including film and TV)

I read about arts some and if you include how to book then building as well

- psychology

not unless it is in science magazine I am reading

- literary criticism

I sometime listen to the NPR podcast "Books" does that count?

3. What is your favorite work of non-fiction (please exclude religious/devotional works from this question)?

Killer Angels was very good but ask me next week and you will get a different answer.

4. Would you be interested in reviews of non-fiction books on this site?

More so then fiction actaully.

5. Have you read any non-fiction book recently that was terrible? If so, what?

I tried reading this book about the Incas that was horrible. Which is to bad because the information was interesting it was just so poorly written. There was also a book on Marine Corps history that was ruined both both the gross bias and excissive triva. I really don't need to know who the adjatant of company was.

6. Was there a non-fiction book that you read that changed the way you thought or felt about world issues (again, please exclude religious and devotional works from this question) ?

Lincoln as commader in chief (can't remember exact title) changed the way a looked at Lincoln and his leadership during the war.

I can't think of one that changed my entire world view. I guess On Liberty or Metaphysic of Morals changed the way look at morality but that was a long time ago.

7. Do you consider books about the occult to be non-fiction or fiction? Why?

I think it is fuzzy disction. Some biographies should be considered fiction.

8. In your personal library at home, what percentage of your books are non-fiction?

Just hard backs I would say 60-40 nonfiction (I don't sell school books). If you count paper back those numbers flip. Throw in magazines and it goes back the other way.

That's it...for now.
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Non-Fiction survey - 14/09/2009 05:38:04 PM 1173 Views
Heh. - 14/09/2009 05:58:59 PM 881 Views
You associate non-fiction with work? Are you a non-fiction book reviewer by day? - 14/09/2009 06:35:59 PM 710 Views
Nah... - 14/09/2009 06:56:41 PM 731 Views
I like non-fiction as long as it's not preachy. - 14/09/2009 06:25:42 PM 892 Views
So...Bill O'Reilly's out but Aleister Crowley is in, right? - 14/09/2009 06:34:38 PM 790 Views
I didn't say I wanted to read occult books. - 14/09/2009 09:40:40 PM 1333 Views
Fun. - 14/09/2009 06:31:28 PM 971 Views
Fact not fiction. - 14/09/2009 06:43:32 PM 911 Views
I loved Radzinsky's Rasputin bio - 14/09/2009 06:58:46 PM 799 Views
Re: I loved Radzinsky's Rasputin bio - 14/09/2009 07:10:01 PM 819 Views
You're going to force me to start a Dan Brown discussion in a different thread. - 14/09/2009 09:00:32 PM 741 Views
Well, I can do it here, no worries, just think of it as non-non-fiction. - 14/09/2009 09:06:34 PM 790 Views
This is pretty much it. - 14/09/2009 09:09:18 PM 789 Views
Re: Fact not fiction. - 17/09/2009 12:40:31 AM 838 Views
Re: Fact not fiction. - 17/09/2009 03:08:34 PM 732 Views
Re: Fact not fiction. - 17/09/2009 11:57:22 PM 687 Views
Re: Non-Fiction survey - 14/09/2009 07:25:20 PM 726 Views
Legacy of Ashes sounds interesting - 14/09/2009 08:59:38 PM 738 Views
Re: Legacy of Ashes sounds interesting - 14/09/2009 09:09:30 PM 748 Views
So - 14/09/2009 10:14:47 PM 707 Views
Re: So - 14/09/2009 10:35:40 PM 697 Views
I do read sometimes. - 14/09/2009 08:01:03 PM 923 Views
If you liked Jesus, Interrupted... - 14/09/2009 08:58:26 PM 784 Views
Added to The List. *NM* - 14/09/2009 10:28:14 PM 327 Views
I read it quite a lot, obviously. - 14/09/2009 09:20:40 PM 814 Views
I have Antonia Fraser's bio of Oliver Cromwell. - 15/09/2009 05:14:06 AM 761 Views
Re: I have Antonia Fraser's bio of Oliver Cromwell. - 15/09/2009 08:07:28 AM 818 Views
Re: Non-Fiction survey - 14/09/2009 09:24:35 PM 929 Views
I'd be interested to know the title of that Lincoln book. *NM* - 15/09/2009 05:11:14 AM 352 Views
Tried by War by James M. McPherson - 15/09/2009 07:01:30 PM 800 Views
Thanks! *NM* - 17/09/2009 03:07:50 PM 360 Views
Re: Non-Fiction survey - 14/09/2009 10:05:56 PM 734 Views
I'm sorry. I just can't take "pro wrestling" seriously enough to comment on it beyond this. *NM* - 15/09/2009 05:15:13 AM 346 Views
What, pro wrestling is awesome! - 16/09/2009 05:59:44 PM 944 Views
Sweet - 14/09/2009 10:09:21 PM 880 Views
My problem with Fisk is his naivete - 15/09/2009 05:10:00 AM 752 Views
If you're referring to the passages I think you're referring to... - 15/09/2009 11:06:04 AM 880 Views
I need to read more American Indian books - 16/09/2009 07:01:21 PM 729 Views
Good survey! - 14/09/2009 11:40:58 PM 868 Views
Ah...but where do you draw the line on the occult? - 15/09/2009 05:07:14 AM 714 Views
Intent. - 15/09/2009 06:02:39 AM 738 Views
Yea, I would tend to agree. - 15/09/2009 11:10:03 AM 781 Views
Re: Non-Fiction survey - 15/09/2009 12:25:57 AM 765 Views
You should consider reading more non-fiction. *NM* - 15/09/2009 05:04:55 AM 375 Views
It's under consideration. - 15/09/2009 11:50:47 PM 642 Views
I read a lot of it for my classes, so I read very little of it for leisure. - 15/09/2009 12:46:23 AM 815 Views
As someone who read Ab Urbe Condita in Latin...the book you reference "delenda est". - 15/09/2009 05:04:05 AM 750 Views
It's infuriating, yes. *NM* - 15/09/2009 06:22:36 PM 348 Views
Mea culpa; the book in question is Zoch's Ancient Rome. - 15/09/2009 06:45:22 PM 670 Views
Re: Non-Fiction survey - 15/09/2009 01:07:13 AM 785 Views
I did a survey about personal libraries, too... - 15/09/2009 05:01:12 AM 756 Views
great survey. - 15/09/2009 02:17:26 AM 941 Views
Re: great survey. - 15/09/2009 04:56:50 AM 783 Views
Interesting questions! - 15/09/2009 07:20:05 AM 884 Views
I'm not sure if it's a translation issue, but - 17/09/2009 03:10:49 PM 828 Views
That's the English titel yes! - 18/09/2009 07:03:45 AM 1011 Views
Re: Non-Fiction survey - 15/09/2009 11:35:48 AM 971 Views
Books on Napoleon.... - 15/09/2009 08:03:55 PM 769 Views
Narcissist. *NM* - 15/09/2009 08:21:44 PM 315 Views
David Chandler's The Campaigns of Napoleon is wonderful. *NM* - 17/09/2009 03:13:03 PM 304 Views
i like non-fiction! - 15/09/2009 09:40:40 PM 814 Views
Re: Non-Fiction survey - 17/09/2009 12:49:35 AM 1015 Views
Re: Non-Fiction survey - 26/09/2009 01:49:16 AM 795 Views

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