RAFO has a Twitter account.
We tweet and retweet little nuggets of information about soon-to-be-released books, films and games, as well as competitions and interesting discussion pages. We also keep you up to date with what's happening on our site.
So if you've got a Twitter account follow Readnfindout (note the spelling).
And if you've got suggestions about who we should follow then let us know. We currently follow authors, publishers, some of the bigger SF/F blogs, actors, film critics and directors.
We tweet and retweet little nuggets of information about soon-to-be-released books, films and games, as well as competitions and interesting discussion pages. We also keep you up to date with what's happening on our site.
So if you've got a Twitter account follow Readnfindout (note the spelling).
And if you've got suggestions about who we should follow then let us know. We currently follow authors, publishers, some of the bigger SF/F blogs, actors, film critics and directors.
Did you know...?
21/10/2010 12:45:49 PM
I am not a Twitiot *NM*
21/10/2010 02:58:06 PM
I'm not a tweeter myself, but good to know about the fact. *NM*
21/10/2010 08:17:15 PM
People who use Twitter are called "twits". *NM*
21/10/2010 08:33:14 PM
I started a Twitter account once, but I don't recall what its name is and I've never used it. *NM*
21/10/2010 09:42:21 PM