I thought it was interesting enough, but not overly impressive. I felt its sequel The Toyminator was weaker and not very enjoyable.
Rankin on a whole confuses me. Reading some of the later books without knowing the earlier ones left me clueless to most of his references, although I knew that I was meant to get them all.
Rankin on a whole confuses me. Reading some of the later books without knowing the earlier ones left me clueless to most of his references, although I knew that I was meant to get them all.
"I mean, if everyone had a soul, there would be no contrast by which we could appreciate it. For giving us this perspective, we thank you." - Nate
The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse by Robert Rankin
22/09/2010 09:21:12 PM
Read it a few years ago.
23/09/2010 12:07:44 PM