Ysabel and Under Heaven. I'm planning to read the latter soon (but there are other books that come first)
I like his books a lot. I like how he writes a sort of opposite of alternate history. Usually AH stories are about history going different way - the setting as we know it from history just the events go differently. In his alternate universes history goes the same way but the setting is different.
I like his books a lot. I like how he writes a sort of opposite of alternate history. Usually AH stories are about history going different way - the setting as we know it from history just the events go differently. In his alternate universes history goes the same way but the setting is different.
Evolution, just like gravity, works even if you don't believe in it.
Stupidity doesn't hurt but it kills.
Stupidity doesn't hurt but it kills.
So, how many of you have (*or have not) read Guy Gavriel Kay?
07/09/2010 12:09:59 AM
Re: So, how many of you have read Guy Gavriel Kay?
07/09/2010 08:47:16 AM
Feverishly so.
07/09/2010 02:24:10 PM
To clarify, when I said "most people I know", I mostly meant on this very site.
07/09/2010 09:54:56 PM

Ysabel is okay. It's adorable if you've read Fionavar, though, and so is worth it. *NM*
08/09/2010 04:23:22 AM
I think I only didn't read two
09/09/2010 02:12:56 PM