I first read the Fionavar Tapestery. I loved it, even if it wasn't perfect. I have read and re-read scenes in those books many times, and the final scene is one of my favorites in fiction.
Which is why I really liked Ysabel--some irritating holes, plotwise, but beautifully written with great cameos (see abovementioned last scene).
Lions of Al-Rassan is one of the best books I've ever read. Period. Can a woman love two men? Can a man love two women?
The Sarantium Mosaic was so-so. Some amazing parts, some ridiculous parts, some really unnecessarily disgusting parts. Characters? Meh, except for the Emperor and Empress, who had amazing scenes and dialogue. Don't recommend unless you want a sense of completion.
I couldn't get into A Song for Arbonne, although clearly it has its fans. It didn't work for me.
Tigana? BLECH, BLECH, BLECH. I realize I'm in the minority here. The writing is okay, and there are some good scenes, but BLECH. Evil tyrants who refuse to take responsibility for their actions, preferring to torture whole countries for their own idiocy, are not loveable. At all. No matter what the traumatized heroine thinks. They are not. I felt the need to shower my brain afterwards.
Which is why I really liked Ysabel--some irritating holes, plotwise, but beautifully written with great cameos (see abovementioned last scene).
Lions of Al-Rassan is one of the best books I've ever read. Period. Can a woman love two men? Can a man love two women?
The Sarantium Mosaic was so-so. Some amazing parts, some ridiculous parts, some really unnecessarily disgusting parts. Characters? Meh, except for the Emperor and Empress, who had amazing scenes and dialogue. Don't recommend unless you want a sense of completion.
I couldn't get into A Song for Arbonne, although clearly it has its fans. It didn't work for me.
Tigana? BLECH, BLECH, BLECH. I realize I'm in the minority here. The writing is okay, and there are some good scenes, but BLECH. Evil tyrants who refuse to take responsibility for their actions, preferring to torture whole countries for their own idiocy, are not loveable. At all. No matter what the traumatized heroine thinks. They are not. I felt the need to shower my brain afterwards.
The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo.
So, how many of you have (*or have not) read Guy Gavriel Kay?
07/09/2010 12:09:59 AM
Re: So, how many of you have read Guy Gavriel Kay?
07/09/2010 08:47:16 AM
Feverishly so.
07/09/2010 02:24:10 PM
To clarify, when I said "most people I know", I mostly meant on this very site.
07/09/2010 09:54:56 PM

Ysabel is okay. It's adorable if you've read Fionavar, though, and so is worth it. *NM*
08/09/2010 04:23:22 AM
GGK is mostly amazing
08/09/2010 01:20:01 AM