Active Users:518 Time:12/03/2025 02:02:39 PM
It was an outgrowth tactic. Jacob Send a noteboard - 07/09/2010 02:52:16 PM
...that the Parshendi could have easily attacked the mobile bridges at any time and stranded the Alethi armies. It was noted that they jumped over armies to attack from the rear. It wouldn't take much for a small force to jump over them and slaughter the defenseless bridgemen.

The only time they really attacked the bridgemen is while they were laying the bridges for the Alethi armies to cross. Once the bridges were down, they mostly focused on the soldiers.

That's not to say that they wouldn't burn the bridges down once the armies had retreated, which goes back to what I said about the cost of permanent bridges vs. mobile ones. But as a combat tactic? I don't think it fits.

It was stated that the bridgemen were a relatively newer strategy by Sadeas. This "war" had been going on for a long time by the time the readers join the war. The strategy is an outgrowth of their observance that the Parshendi don't cross over the chasms to flank or any other tactic once they are engaged.

Building permanent bridges would be an expensive and dangerous task, and I'm not entirely certain how often they'd be damaged by Great Storms. Plus, it was mentioned that the Parshendi had pulled some of the permanent bridges down earlier in the war... not during battle but during their raids during the early parts of the war.

Mobile bridges offer flexibility in the path taken, speed over rolled bridges. Tactically, they seemed to attract the Parshendi's attention away from the regular soldier up to the point of the first charge. Not only are regular soldiers expensive to train, but they're expensive to outfit at well... especially when a lot of that equipment is probably lost in the trenches.

Thirdly, you have to remember that Sadeas very rarely, if ever, is depicted as engaging with the Parshendi. Him and his honor guard are always hanging back. Sadeas unwillingness to place himself in direct danger also provides rear support for the army and the bridges themselves.

Finally, we don't exactly know what the Parshendi are playing at. The assassination. The gem hearts. The possible revelation as to what they really are. There is the fact that the Parshendi actually spring a trap when Dalinar fully commits to what he thinks is the extent of Parshendi tactics. The Parshendi are presenting an image of themselves that seems to be intentional and hiding the fullness of the truth.
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The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson: Reaction & Discussion Thread - 03/09/2010 04:25:24 PM 3756 Views
About time! Let me finish first and I will be back here first thing *NM* - 03/09/2010 09:17:03 PM 746 Views
Just got it last night and I am looking forward to starting it - 03/09/2010 09:32:01 PM 1337 Views
Heh... you'll be surprised. - 04/09/2010 02:30:00 AM 1396 Views
like a lot of books I "read" these days it is an audio book - 07/09/2010 03:37:58 AM 1220 Views
I have the book as well but I don't know when I'll start/finish it *NM* - 03/09/2010 10:05:51 PM 658 Views
Just finished it - 04/09/2010 12:59:56 AM 1335 Views
I'd say easily his best novel to date. - 04/09/2010 02:28:56 AM 1332 Views
I'm anout 325 pages into it and I've gotta say... *SPOILERS* - 04/09/2010 04:35:41 AM 1584 Views
About those shards... - 05/09/2010 07:54:58 PM 1157 Views
Re: About those shards... - 05/09/2010 08:19:09 PM 1285 Views
Theories *SPOILERS* - 04/09/2010 06:56:47 PM 1465 Views
Hmm... - 07/09/2010 03:10:12 PM 1345 Views
Re: #4 - 09/09/2010 03:56:17 AM 1349 Views
Why do they need bridgemen? spoilers - 05/09/2010 04:07:20 AM 1427 Views
Re: Why do they need bridgemen? spoilers - 05/09/2010 01:37:08 PM 1480 Views
Also, Don't forget... - 05/09/2010 03:03:04 PM 1342 Views
This is my favorite point (and the one that makes me feel stupid). Thanks *NM* - 05/09/2010 08:07:42 PM 723 Views
Tavi makes good point also, but this is the one that stick out to me during a bridge run scene. *NM* - 05/09/2010 08:22:43 PM 681 Views
What I was thinking was... - 05/09/2010 08:52:49 PM 1336 Views
Re: What I was thinking was... - 05/09/2010 08:56:49 PM 1434 Views
It was an outgrowth tactic. - 07/09/2010 02:52:16 PM 1339 Views
Exactly, why don't they just... *spoilers* - 09/09/2010 04:07:43 AM 1391 Views
Chasmfiends and highstorms. The storms are worse eastward in /w maybe enuff force to pulverize rock. - 09/09/2010 09:06:10 AM 1561 Views
The wooden permanent bridges seemed to work just fine. - 09/09/2010 03:31:58 PM 1376 Views
Keep in mind, though - 09/09/2010 03:41:00 PM 1473 Views
Any thoughts...(spoilers) - 06/09/2010 03:28:15 AM 1467 Views
I think the Nahel bond... - 07/09/2010 02:35:36 PM 1568 Views
I caved and bought this from Amazon today. - 06/09/2010 04:29:23 AM 1292 Views
Re: I caved and bought this from Amazon today. - 07/09/2010 03:11:14 PM 1316 Views
Yeah, I'm not too worried. - 07/09/2010 03:39:12 PM 1280 Views
Great deal... - 07/09/2010 03:41:55 PM 1359 Views
Do these pretty symbols in the front and back of this book play any sort of role in the story? - 06/09/2010 10:33:01 AM 1519 Views
they are glyphs, I believe - 07/09/2010 03:28:31 AM 1309 Views
Ha. - 08/09/2010 03:01:48 PM 1382 Views
The best quote for me so far was at the end of Chapter 21. - 07/09/2010 04:45:44 AM 1374 Views
Mine was the first line of the Epilogue. - 13/09/2010 06:30:11 AM 1199 Views
Dear lord did anybody even bother to edit this book? - 07/09/2010 02:23:23 PM 1358 Views
I was worried that they'd miss a lot of those. - 07/09/2010 02:30:11 PM 1358 Views
Agreed. Also, I'm thinking the book didn't change at all from the ARC - 07/09/2010 02:37:33 PM 1225 Views
Well, I'll be keeping an eye on it. - 07/09/2010 02:53:38 PM 1262 Views
I've noticed several on my read through, also. - 07/09/2010 03:34:13 PM 1341 Views
You mean this stuff made into the final novel? - 08/09/2010 03:46:52 PM 1237 Views
I have to imagine that they caught some of it. - 08/09/2010 03:59:07 PM 1274 Views
Yeah, I noticed a lot. *NM* - 09/09/2010 04:20:01 AM 565 Views
I grew up with pulp fiction so these errors seem minor *NM* - 13/09/2010 10:25:15 PM 678 Views
I liked it, however the main character seemed "familiar" ... - 07/09/2010 04:01:43 PM 1470 Views
Hah, I thought almost the same thing. - 09/09/2010 04:16:28 AM 1427 Views
Re: Hah, I thought almost the same thing. - 09/09/2010 04:59:34 AM 1231 Views
I'm glad to hear you say this, I felt the same way. - 13/09/2010 06:26:37 AM 1447 Views
Random question on Syl (Spoilers of course) - 07/09/2010 11:55:32 PM 1331 Views
Szeth does see spren - 09/09/2010 04:14:27 AM 1465 Views
Re: Szeth does see spren - 09/09/2010 10:46:30 AM 1428 Views
Re: Szeth does see spren - 09/09/2010 09:03:47 PM 1280 Views
Thats what I thought you meant but didn't want to say anything - 09/09/2010 09:04:56 PM 1177 Views
Aaaaannd now I can come up for air. *spoilers* - 09/09/2010 03:49:17 AM 1321 Views
I'm halfway through the book.... - 09/09/2010 06:27:41 PM 1420 Views
Re: I'm halfway through the book.... - 13/09/2010 06:42:07 AM 1327 Views
Finished last night at about 4:30. I know my wife is relieved, - 09/09/2010 07:56:17 PM 1347 Views
The bridges. - 12/09/2010 01:42:11 AM 1395 Views
I wondered the same thing a few times. - 12/09/2010 03:11:11 AM 1268 Views
The bridges were arched and were much longer than the chasms *NM* - 12/09/2010 03:30:48 AM 723 Views
How does that keep them from toppling when they are pushed over the edge of the chasms, though? *NM* - 12/09/2010 02:23:32 PM 654 Views
Think about it - 12/09/2010 05:17:07 PM 1279 Views
I don't see. - 12/09/2010 06:18:22 PM 1329 Views
The plateau tops are not all level. - 13/09/2010 04:41:17 PM 1222 Views
Re: The plateau tops are not all level. - 13/09/2010 05:53:04 PM 1272 Views
They did use circuitous routes. - 13/09/2010 10:30:35 PM 1490 Views
Yeah, and it limited approach vectors - 17/09/2010 05:11:30 AM 1257 Views
So glad it is avaiable on kindle! - 12/09/2010 08:13:37 AM 1271 Views
Finished it yesterday and it was awesome! - 15/09/2010 08:25:33 AM 1546 Views
Reading/Map Reading - 18/09/2010 09:12:20 AM 1293 Views
They have glyphs... - 18/09/2010 03:43:43 PM 1523 Views
Might help a bit - 19/09/2010 06:23:21 AM 1372 Views
Just finished it (I am late, I know) - 24/10/2010 10:45:00 AM 1475 Views

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