Why do they need bridgemen? O.o do I have to write spoilers?
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Before modification by Deadsy at 05/09/2010 04:08:19 AM
perhaps I missed a detail. Do the gaps move around, or what?
Why don't they just build permanent bridges, or leave the temporary ones up there? The other army (I already forgot their name [baby voidbringers]) can jump over the gaps anyway, so it's not to keep them away. They clearly have no problem getting numbers over the gaps quickly, as they're competing every day for the gems.
Why don't they just build permanent bridges, or leave the temporary ones up there? The other army (I already forgot their name [baby voidbringers]) can jump over the gaps anyway, so it's not to keep them away. They clearly have no problem getting numbers over the gaps quickly, as they're competing every day for the gems.