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The Great Harry Potter Re-read: Book Four Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Edit 1

Before modification by Legolas at 14/09/2010 06:34:56 PM

Hi Rafonauts

It's now time to begin our discussion of the fourth book in JK Rowling's fabulous YA series. There are 37 chapters in this book, so we'll keep to three chapters a day and do the last four together. This works because that last bit is rather tense so it's better not to break it in two! And we're going to include Saturdays this time to fit it all in before I head off up north!

Thus our schedule looks like this: today chapters 1-3, Tuesday 3-6, Wednesday 7-9, Thursday 10-12, Friday 13-15, Saturday 16-18, Monday (23 August) 19-21, Tuesday 22-24, Wednesday 25-27, Thursday 28-30, Friday 31-33 and Saturday 34-37.

I've set up the basic thread below, and will add more questions as the days progress. Feel free to ask your own under the appropriate headings.


- Please keep your replies under the sub-threads below. You are welcome to start your own main headings as well.

- Although this is a re-read, it is possible that people haven’t yet read the books and are just reading this to help them decide whether they’re finally going to take the plunge and start the series. Accordingly, please keep spoilers out of subject lines.

- If you’ve got any suggestions for the rest of the re-read then post them in the suggestions thread below.

Have fun!

If this is the first you've seen of our re-read, then why not check out the other threads?

Book One: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Book Two: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Book Three: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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