I'm glad you like it The next one (number five, I think) is due soon and its title is Heartstone.
I'm currently in line for book two at the library, but I'm glad you told me that the series is progressing. I hate getting into a series and the author decides they don't want to finish.
I still need to reread Outlander by Diana Gabaldon for my local ladies book club.
I just re-read the whole series and (wait till you hear this, it's unbelievably pathetic) because I had lent the final two to a friend and she hasn't finished them yet (three month old baby, she's a bit busy), I went and bought A Breath of Snow and Ashes again so I could read it. I have thus far resisted the re-purchase of An Echo in the Bone but I have a feeling I might have to get it tonight. All second hand, I hasten to add, but still. That's pretty sad stuff, but I don't care
I really adore the first couple of books, but I have trouble with the later books. Maybe I'll reread the series and push through.
You know what I love about these books? It has romance between a married couple. Usually it's always the beginning of a romance, but with Jamie and Claire you can see the relationship progress. Maybe I'm a sap, but that's the way it is.
Two days ago I had to buy another copy of Outlander because a coworker lost my copy while she was moving. No more books for her.
~ Missa
Always remembering Vegas
"Those were the days my friends, we thought they'd never end. We'd sing and dance forever and a day..."
Always remembering Vegas
"Those were the days my friends, we thought they'd never end. We'd sing and dance forever and a day..."
It's August! What do you plan to read this month?
01/08/2010 09:49:21 AM
I gotta finish all these books I got from the library before I go back to school.
01/08/2010 09:56:56 AM
On my plate:
02/08/2010 10:15:48 AM
Re: On my plate:
02/08/2010 06:08:06 PM
No major conquests, but continuing the series Elaine recommended.
02/08/2010 07:04:56 PM
You did it!
05/08/2010 02:15:08 PM
Yes, it was a good move.
12/08/2010 04:01:21 PM
Started Dune near the end of last month so will press on with that.
02/08/2010 08:35:53 PM
Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America
12/08/2010 07:25:11 PM