Active Users:1074 Time:11/03/2025 07:28:20 PM
Aw. I liked Confederacy. *NM* Ghavrel Send a noteboard - 09/09/2009 06:15:10 AM

And I'll be honest, I have yet to get past the grodiness of Palahniuk's Haunted. It's just unnecessary.

I thought I hated The Last of the Mohicans, but it turns out that I was proud of myself to have made it through and am now slightly fond of the book.

Jude the Obscure. In fact, I'm not entirely certain I don't just hate Hardy. I've never been able to make myself try another.
"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."

Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel


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So...what books DON'T you like? - 06/09/2009 04:57:28 AM 1875 Views
I have a couple I really disliked - 06/09/2009 05:28:38 AM 1280 Views
I agree. - 06/09/2009 05:49:28 AM 1277 Views
Ohhhh quotefail! - 06/09/2009 05:54:02 AM 1322 Views
I saw that. - 06/09/2009 06:03:29 AM 1155 Views
You actually read Monkey Bridge? - 06/09/2009 02:47:39 PM 1173 Views
Haha, I'm surprised anyone has heard of it here - 06/09/2009 04:43:59 PM 1158 Views
Some examples - 07/09/2009 08:25:37 PM 1082 Views
Political polemics, for one. Utopian novels, for another. - 06/09/2009 05:29:54 AM 1086 Views
People always recommend I read Ayn Rand - 06/09/2009 02:51:25 PM 1260 Views
I started The Fountainhead. It was pretty dreadful. *NM* - 06/09/2009 08:44:31 PM 681 Views
The Wanderer's Tale by David Bilsborough. - 06/09/2009 06:24:49 AM 1203 Views
YES! - 07/09/2009 06:10:29 AM 1104 Views
Oh, a lot of things. But I wonder. - 06/09/2009 07:00:34 AM 1230 Views
Re: Oh, a lot of things. But I wonder. - 06/09/2009 07:05:51 AM 1175 Views
! - 06/09/2009 06:50:42 PM 1196 Views
Re: ! - 06/09/2009 07:22:43 PM 1077 Views
Well, I do plan on reading it. - 07/09/2009 03:38:26 AM 1140 Views
In fantasy, Vellum and Ink were terrible - 06/09/2009 02:54:05 PM 1170 Views
Duly noted! - 06/09/2009 06:51:22 PM 1143 Views
Oh plenty - 06/09/2009 09:37:23 AM 1202 Views
I hated Wuthering Heights more than Jane Eyre, but I hated Jane Eyre, too. *NM* - 06/09/2009 02:54:49 PM 708 Views
I was never forced to read Wuthering heights - 06/09/2009 03:44:59 PM 1198 Views
I disliked both as well... more than disliked. *NM* - 09/09/2009 08:59:37 PM 723 Views
Well... - 09/09/2009 09:01:18 PM 1167 Views
I like all books I have ever read. - 06/09/2009 12:09:51 PM 1248 Views
You hated The Brothers Karamazov? - 06/09/2009 02:59:16 PM 1174 Views
Umm, yeah. - 06/09/2009 03:28:30 PM 1349 Views
Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. In Ye Olde English, it's harder to translate than ancient Greek. *NM* - 06/09/2009 05:07:49 PM 683 Views
Oh man, the prologue to the Wife of Bath was horrible. - 06/09/2009 05:11:39 PM 1110 Views
The Canterbury Tales are not Old English. They are Middle English. - 06/09/2009 05:59:59 PM 1274 Views
Edit: ignore this, what I had before was blatantly untrue *NM* - 07/09/2009 12:11:37 AM 697 Views
As I'm translating some ancient Greek right now, I call bullshit on that. *NM* - 06/09/2009 08:45:46 PM 644 Views
EDIT: Last post was basically equally bullsh*t - 07/09/2009 12:17:01 AM 1164 Views
I was going to, but I felt I had already been pedantic enough. *NM* - 07/09/2009 02:34:04 AM 698 Views
Jane Eyre. - 06/09/2009 05:13:27 PM 1181 Views
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel - 06/09/2009 05:58:39 PM 1185 Views
Must remember this. *NM* - 06/09/2009 06:53:08 PM 670 Views
What do you mean? *NM* - 07/09/2009 10:43:58 AM 694 Views
Re: The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel - 06/09/2009 08:08:21 PM 1185 Views
well it was the best book in the series *NM* - 14/09/2009 04:37:27 PM 617 Views
Catcher in the Rye and Heart of Darkness, among the "classics." *NM* - 06/09/2009 08:15:12 PM 676 Views
Ooh! I second Catcher and the Rye. What a piece of garbage. - 06/09/2009 08:20:00 PM 1033 Views
I couldn't finish Heart of Darkness - 14/09/2009 04:39:00 PM 1206 Views
Vellum by Hal Duncan and The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson - 06/09/2009 08:16:12 PM 1236 Views
Hm. - 06/09/2009 11:20:40 PM 1154 Views
Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - 06/09/2009 08:24:07 PM 1147 Views
I didn't mind Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog...I mean Man - 07/09/2009 02:40:14 AM 1130 Views
Shame on you. Those books are truly Great. Especially Portrait. - 12/09/2009 10:52:40 PM 1178 Views
What? - 06/09/2009 08:28:17 PM 1317 Views
My problem with Wuthering Heights was the characters. - 06/09/2009 09:40:24 PM 1141 Views
Re: My problem with Wuthering Heights was the characters. - 07/09/2009 12:27:44 AM 1180 Views're a guy? - 07/09/2009 02:44:27 AM 1179 Views
Indeed. - 07/09/2009 03:01:59 AM 1169 Views
Stars in His Pocket Like Grains of Sand - 14/09/2009 04:41:16 PM 1359 Views
Oh, and maybe it was lost on me, but I never got much joy out of War and Peace - 07/09/2009 12:22:48 AM 1070 Views
War and Peace is pretty straightforward - 07/09/2009 02:43:25 AM 1203 Views
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell. - 07/09/2009 12:54:41 AM 1211 Views
Shame! Shaaaaame! *NM* - 07/09/2009 03:06:55 AM 629 Views
- 07/09/2009 06:13:26 AM 1103 Views
I'm not sure. - 20/09/2009 04:19:52 PM 1446 Views
It probably doesn't help but - 20/09/2009 06:17:34 PM 1539 Views
Don't flame me for saying it.... - 07/09/2009 04:49:40 AM 1266 Views
Nah. - 07/09/2009 05:18:23 AM 1109 Views
For me it was the other way around. - 07/09/2009 07:38:35 AM 1117 Views
You know, I kind of feel that way, too. - 08/09/2009 03:40:58 AM 1140 Views
One last one: Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley *NM* - 07/09/2009 07:44:48 AM 679 Views
*NM* - 07/09/2009 10:33:08 AM 650 Views
Awww man, I thought we got rid of you! *NM* - 07/09/2009 06:05:30 PM 619 Views
Have you ever seen the mini-series? - 07/09/2009 05:42:45 PM 1188 Views
I love really really bad TV movies sometimes....they make for lots of laughter - 07/09/2009 06:06:38 PM 1060 Views
Actually, you might like it. As in, think it's good. - 07/09/2009 06:11:14 PM 1117 Views
I had a couple of issues with the book that I could easily see being removed from the movie - 07/09/2009 07:01:40 PM 1053 Views
Yeah, you might like it then. - 07/09/2009 07:20:04 PM 1110 Views
A Confederacy of Dunces. - 08/09/2009 06:13:59 AM 1179 Views
Crap. That's two people now. - 09/09/2009 01:42:40 AM 1066 Views
Don't go by what I say. - 09/09/2009 03:11:17 AM 1149 Views
Anyone with more than half a brain wouldn't. *NM* - 09/09/2009 03:49:34 AM 685 Views
This sounds like a redshirt mission. *NM* - 14/09/2009 01:12:17 AM 677 Views
Re: Hardy - 09/09/2009 02:42:39 AM 1037 Views
Aw. I liked Confederacy. *NM* - 09/09/2009 06:15:10 AM 642 Views
That probably makes sense for someone from the area though. - 09/09/2009 08:02:23 PM 1138 Views
Oh, I forgot to mention Brave New World. - 08/09/2009 06:26:29 AM 1056 Views
Wha? - 08/09/2009 03:26:29 PM 1205 Views
Wha. - 08/09/2009 06:43:12 PM 1044 Views
*stands and applauds * Here here *NM* - 08/09/2009 08:19:53 PM 700 Views
The Road andOld Man and the Sea - 08/09/2009 04:16:11 PM 1084 Views
Time to give up your man card. *NM* - 12/09/2009 10:53:56 PM 649 Views
The great Gatsby and Romeo and Juliett. - 08/09/2009 08:24:23 PM 1121 Views
Word! - 08/09/2009 08:41:27 PM 1209 Views
Hitchickers guide to the galaxy and The Good earth by Pearl S. Buck - 09/09/2009 01:07:01 AM 1154 Views
Ah, man. I love both those books. *NM* - 09/09/2009 08:08:00 PM 688 Views

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