Active Users:544 Time:22/02/2025 04:51:15 PM
Finally... Camilla Send a noteboard - 26/07/2010 02:55:39 PM
I liked McGonnagall's reaction to Harry and Ron's fib about seeing Hermione. She really should know them better by now.

And I am rather shocked that Hermione would tear a page out of a library book, but that may just be me. Perhaps she foresaw the possibility that she would get petrified. Or perhaps she got carried away with breaking the rules.

The scene where the teachers round on Lockart was glorious. Snape's ``Just the man'' had me giggling from the go, and I like it when they all band together against an idiot. That is part of what makes book 5 so enjoyable.

More love for Lockhart: ``books can be misleading.'' ``You wrote them!''

The reveal was rather effective, I thought. It struck me that reading the book while knowing that Riddle is Voldemort is very different from reading it without knowing. Of course, that could be said for any reread, but I think one of the reasons why I think of it as one of the weaker books is that I could not discern any plot arch in the monster the first time I read it. Until the reveal of course (yes, I still thought of them as simple children's book and tuned my expectations accordingly). The Voldemort reveal is quite a good moment, especially because of Harry's having identified with him earlier, assuming he will help him even though he did not tell the truth about Hagrid.

But back to Lockhart (so much love). I like how Rowling punishes her (minor) bad guys. The punishment always seems to echo the crime. Lockhart's memory spell backfire is pretty much textbook poetic justice.

Second best quote ever from this book:
Mrs Weasley's ``Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain''.

Regarding the winding up: I am glad Rowling got the self-doubting ``Am I a Gryffindor'' out of the way by having Dumbledore nip that in the bud (well, book 2, at least it did not drag out until the end), and I like the idea of Voldemort transferring part of himself when trying to kill Harry. AI remember speculations that he had made Harry one of the Horcruxes. I still think that would have been elegant. Actually, thinking back over the horcruxes, I cannot remember what the last two were, so perhaps Harry was one after all? No, I don't remember. Aaaahg. It is a good thing we are holding this re-read, methinks.

I also liked that Malfoy's motives were not pure, unfounded malice, but that he was actually playing a political game of trying to discredit the Muggle Protection thing that he was complaining about earlier in the book. It make things fit together nicely. And it is always good when bad guys have a reason for being bad.
structured procrastinator
This message last edited by Camilla on 26/07/2010 at 09:51:01 PM
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The Great Harry Potter re-read: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 19/07/2010 09:32:22 AM 2431 Views
Chapters 1-3 - 19/07/2010 09:32:52 AM 1661 Views
Dobby - 19/07/2010 02:39:06 PM 1613 Views
Re: Dobby - 20/07/2010 06:42:21 AM 1784 Views
I hate Dobby. - 20/07/2010 11:32:58 AM 1729 Views
I'm not a huge Dobby fan either. *spoilers from end of book* - 20/07/2010 03:18:27 PM 1623 Views
Me too. - 20/07/2010 05:56:27 PM 1552 Views
Boo! - 21/07/2010 12:44:33 AM 1674 Views
I hate "movie Dobby." Book Dobby I'm neutral on. *NM* - 21/07/2010 03:42:29 AM 1008 Views
I don't like him either. - 21/07/2010 02:26:47 PM 1627 Views
It looks like all us cool kids hate Dobby - 23/07/2010 07:13:19 PM 1627 Views
Excellent. - 23/07/2010 10:17:16 PM 1616 Views
- 24/07/2010 12:35:44 AM 1607 Views
Stuff - 20/07/2010 05:54:26 PM 1654 Views
The Dursley's and the Twins - 21/07/2010 02:22:41 PM 1562 Views
The Dursleys. - 23/07/2010 11:35:31 PM 1697 Views
Re: The Dursleys. - 26/07/2010 06:02:14 AM 1526 Views
she reminds me a bit of snape - 26/07/2010 01:01:35 PM 1602 Views
Re: The Dursleys. - 26/07/2010 02:58:31 PM 1564 Views
Chapters 4-6 - 19/07/2010 09:33:18 AM 1597 Views
Another character we love to hate! Gilderoy Lockhart. Plus Weasley vs Malfoy. - 20/07/2010 03:29:39 PM 1648 Views
Yes! - 20/07/2010 09:41:09 PM 1711 Views
Re: Yes! - 21/07/2010 07:05:13 AM 1658 Views
I can't remember how much I hated him the first read - 21/07/2010 03:44:15 AM 1729 Views
I don't think I ever truly "hated" Lockheart - 26/07/2010 06:09:20 AM 1540 Views
My problems with Dobby are very different from my problems with Lockhart - 21/07/2010 07:02:55 AM 1640 Views
I can see that and I understand completely. - 21/07/2010 02:06:27 PM 1783 Views
Exactly. - 21/07/2010 07:20:33 PM 1704 Views
More stuff - 21/07/2010 07:00:04 AM 1579 Views
I really noticed this time around - 21/07/2010 03:10:43 PM 1505 Views
Yeah. - 23/07/2010 10:15:21 PM 1615 Views
This section really brought home to me how well Rowling writes about love and relationships. - 21/07/2010 07:22:43 PM 1661 Views
That last remark made me check out the names in the French translation... - 26/07/2010 05:18:36 PM 1685 Views
Don't get me started on the Norwegian translation. - 26/07/2010 09:52:09 PM 1613 Views
Ahahahahaha! - 26/07/2010 09:55:17 PM 1470 Views
That is indeed genuinely awesome. - 27/07/2010 12:24:07 AM 1619 Views
Re: That is indeed genuinely awesome. - 27/07/2010 09:07:35 AM 1608 Views
McSnurf? MCSNURF?? WTH? *NM* - 27/07/2010 08:47:55 PM 962 Views
Nono. McSnurp. - 27/07/2010 08:48:58 PM 1587 Views
Read it wrong. - 27/07/2010 09:15:07 PM 1448 Views
Chapters 7-9 - 19/07/2010 09:33:44 AM 1572 Views
Deathday Party - seemed like filler to me. Not a big fan. - 21/07/2010 02:33:53 PM 1620 Views
Yeah, I didn't like that either. - 22/07/2010 06:56:39 PM 1567 Views
It is a plot device - 23/07/2010 10:11:45 PM 1545 Views
Heh. - 23/07/2010 10:16:48 PM 1515 Views
Colin Creevey. - 22/07/2010 06:55:17 PM 1626 Views
I don't know. He's always annoyed me. - 22/07/2010 09:23:36 PM 1580 Views
Re: Colin Creevey. - 23/07/2010 10:13:33 PM 1580 Views
Suspect I'm more patient with young people than you are. - 23/07/2010 10:18:24 PM 1598 Views
Infinitely more so, I think - 23/07/2010 10:21:09 PM 1586 Views
Even more stuff - 23/07/2010 10:10:39 PM 1642 Views
Mrs Norris. - 23/07/2010 10:13:51 PM 1680 Views
Re: Mrs Norris. - 23/07/2010 10:15:18 PM 1586 Views
Re: Mrs Norris. - 23/07/2010 10:17:41 PM 1541 Views
Chapters 10-12 - 19/07/2010 09:34:13 AM 1476 Views
Three good chapters - 22/07/2010 02:28:20 PM 1551 Views
Re: Three good chapters - 23/07/2010 10:34:40 PM 1632 Views
Yup. - 23/07/2010 11:32:03 PM 1591 Views
Re: Yup. - 26/07/2010 03:01:15 PM 1576 Views
And then some... - 23/07/2010 10:31:56 PM 1437 Views
Hermione - 23/07/2010 11:29:22 PM 1624 Views
Another example - 24/07/2010 12:56:26 AM 1497 Views
Re: Hermione - 24/07/2010 04:58:14 AM 1395 Views
Something I don't like: - 23/07/2010 11:24:59 PM 1475 Views
I disagree. - 24/07/2010 01:01:17 AM 1411 Views
Re: Something I don't like: - 26/07/2010 03:01:54 PM 1423 Views
Those students are 12 years old, though. - 26/07/2010 05:35:13 PM 1455 Views
Chapters 13-15 - 19/07/2010 09:34:50 AM 1356 Views
Heh. I'd forgotten how near the end of the book the spiders are. - 23/07/2010 11:26:43 PM 1437 Views
"Goodbye friends of Hagrid..." - 26/07/2010 01:58:25 PM 1440 Views
Re: "Goodbye friends of Hagrid..." - 27/07/2010 08:50:34 PM 1724 Views
Re: "Goodbye friends of Hagrid..." - 27/07/2010 09:08:24 PM 1497 Views
And... - 26/07/2010 02:54:54 PM 1568 Views
Chapters 16-18 - 19/07/2010 09:35:20 AM 1526 Views
Lockhart & Dobby get what's coming to them. - 26/07/2010 02:26:42 PM 1563 Views
Finally... - 26/07/2010 02:55:39 PM 1554 Views
He is one indeed, sort of anyway. *NM* - 26/07/2010 05:39:12 PM 941 Views
Harry was a horcrux - 27/07/2010 02:57:42 AM 1384 Views
Yes - 27/07/2010 09:09:38 AM 1520 Views
Voldemort's (sometimes) hilarious names in translation. - 26/07/2010 06:14:58 PM 3749 Views
- 26/07/2010 06:45:55 PM 1629 Views
Overall thoughts - 19/07/2010 09:36:06 AM 1613 Views
Character development - 19/07/2010 09:37:01 AM 1441 Views
Re: Character development - 20/07/2010 06:45:43 AM 1468 Views
Similar to the first, but a nice step up in complexity. - 19/07/2010 07:56:45 PM 1961 Views
I found an error i the POA preview in the back of my book - 20/07/2010 10:51:42 AM 1443 Views
Yeah i have that edition too *NM* - 21/07/2010 12:43:12 AM 863 Views
Thoughts on the movie quality - 21/07/2010 04:15:20 AM 1356 Views
I wonder if Rowling ever looks back and wishes she could change some stuff - 21/07/2010 06:44:41 PM 1470 Views
I think this book isn't as deep or as thoughtful as the first. - 23/07/2010 11:36:17 PM 1521 Views
I feel the same way. - 24/07/2010 01:04:39 AM 1386 Views
Agreed. - 26/07/2010 03:22:48 PM 1484 Views
Suggestions for the re-read? - 19/07/2010 09:37:32 AM 1425 Views
Re: Suggestions for the re-read? - 23/07/2010 10:37:37 PM 1528 Views
OK. - 23/07/2010 10:43:00 PM 1529 Views
Re: OK. - 23/07/2010 10:43:56 PM 1551 Views
Do we want a wee break before the next book? - 24/07/2010 10:47:07 AM 1406 Views
I'm indifferent 'cause I can't find my copy of POA *NM* - 26/07/2010 01:27:05 AM 950 Views
Nonononono! - 26/07/2010 03:12:56 PM 1447 Views
Nooooooooo! - 27/07/2010 02:32:56 PM 1558 Views
we need an impatient smiley that taps its foot while looking grumpy. *NM* - 27/07/2010 08:51:30 PM 857 Views
More than anything! *NM* - 27/07/2010 09:01:33 PM 868 Views
It's not Wednesday yet! *NM* - 27/07/2010 09:26:21 PM 778 Views
But it was a question: - 27/07/2010 10:25:27 PM 1422 Views
Yes, but the two possibilities in Rebekah's post were either Wednesday or next Monday. - 27/07/2010 10:33:10 PM 1765 Views
Aaaah - 27/07/2010 10:34:51 PM 1493 Views

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