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I had a hard time remembering who was who. Tim Send a noteboard - 23/07/2010 10:18:44 PM
Partly because of the use of different names, but more because we didn't really learn much about them – apart from Ivan Nikolaevich and the Master, most of the male human characters were simply everymen. Thankfully, that meant it didn't matter all that much if I couldn't remember who was who. And his habit of describing them by their jobs did help. I dread to think what would happen if I ever tried to read War and Peace .
Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt.

—Nous disons en allemand : le guerre, le mort, le lune, alors que 'soleil' et 'amour' sont du sexe féminin : la soleil, la amour. La vie est neutre.

—La vie ? Neutre ? C'est très joli, et surtout très logique.
This message last edited by Tim on 23/07/2010 at 10:21:31 PM
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The Joint Book Club: Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita - 15/07/2010 08:36:47 AM 1580 Views
Things you liked - 15/07/2010 08:37:57 AM 987 Views
I can barely comment at this point - 15/07/2010 03:19:45 PM 1030 Views
You don't have to post only under those headings. - 15/07/2010 04:39:36 PM 1017 Views
You contrarian you. - 16/07/2010 08:44:25 PM 1031 Views
The odd duality of humor and seriousness - 17/07/2010 05:29:28 AM 1246 Views
Yeah. - 18/07/2010 08:46:33 PM 945 Views
Re: The odd duality of humor and seriousness - 21/07/2010 12:16:51 PM 1202 Views
Things you didn't like - 15/07/2010 08:38:20 AM 896 Views
I'm not sure if it's the translation, - 21/07/2010 07:17:41 PM 962 Views
Ivan Bezdomny is Demyan Bedny - 22/07/2010 03:03:02 AM 1053 Views
There wasn't much character-building, was there? - 23/07/2010 11:26:44 PM 1085 Views
Too much crazy. - 28/07/2010 02:59:46 AM 1053 Views
Things that didn't make sense to you - 15/07/2010 08:38:54 AM 944 Views
Hm. - 21/07/2010 07:19:12 PM 1114 Views
The murder of Judas. - 23/07/2010 11:13:58 PM 903 Views
Does it make more sense if Aphranius is seen as... - 26/07/2010 12:39:46 AM 856 Views
Ah. - 26/07/2010 08:54:30 AM 952 Views
Interesting, I never gave that option a thought. - 29/07/2010 02:54:17 PM 1076 Views
Yeah. I couldn't think of one that he would fit. - 29/07/2010 10:35:35 PM 967 Views
See, that seemed obvious to me. - 28/07/2010 02:55:02 AM 996 Views
Oh, so that was them making up a story to tell anyone else if needed? *NM* - 28/07/2010 08:29:10 AM 524 Views
Mm, not just that. - 28/07/2010 02:45:58 PM 1044 Views
That's how I read it, also. - 29/07/2010 09:53:17 AM 1031 Views
The walls have ears. Nobody would know that better than Aphranius and Pilate. - 31/07/2010 07:32:09 PM 1040 Views
Wait, isn't that what happened? - 31/07/2010 07:39:32 PM 1118 Views
You are right. He didn't wield the metal weapon. - 31/07/2010 10:19:57 PM 1055 Views
Also, who was Koroviev supposed to be? - 23/07/2010 11:44:28 PM 919 Views
Re: Also, who was Koroviev supposed to be? - 26/07/2010 12:40:32 AM 1034 Views
may be... - 26/07/2010 03:50:48 PM 908 Views
Ooh, I hadn't thought of that. Not a bad idea. *NM* - 26/07/2010 04:11:43 PM 519 Views
Ivanovich's dream. - 29/07/2010 02:43:43 PM 1051 Views
Characters (ordinary) - 15/07/2010 08:39:53 AM 964 Views
Are Russian characters always over the top? - 15/07/2010 05:25:43 PM 854 Views
I had a hard time remembering who was who. - 23/07/2010 10:18:44 PM 1100 Views
War and Peace was easier than this. - 31/07/2010 07:38:51 PM 1011 Views
Characters (supernatural) - 15/07/2010 08:40:36 AM 900 Views
The story of the Passion is strikingly intense. - 20/07/2010 07:27:26 AM 1047 Views
It is. They are my favourite bits. - 21/07/2010 07:11:33 PM 924 Views
I agree – those were my favourite bits to read. - 23/07/2010 10:15:55 PM 919 Views
Behemoth was hilarious. I love the idea of him being a large mischievous cat. - 23/07/2010 11:22:01 PM 819 Views
He is MY cat. - 28/07/2010 03:03:26 AM 980 Views
I'm reserving a spot for my comments but not posting them just yet. - 15/07/2010 03:46:34 PM 980 Views
(I just actually posted below) *NM* - 20/07/2010 05:22:00 PM 492 Views
Was wondering about that. *NM* - 20/07/2010 05:22:27 PM 507 Views
I had a very interesting conversation about the novel yesterday. - 16/07/2010 02:44:53 PM 1056 Views
That's neat. - 18/07/2010 08:48:53 PM 958 Views
Re: I had a very interesting conversation about the novel yesterday. - 21/07/2010 12:22:28 PM 949 Views
I suspect I'm missing a hell of a lot. - 23/07/2010 10:45:35 PM 1124 Views
I was slightly disappointed on my second read. - 18/07/2010 08:48:02 PM 1079 Views
Re: I was slightly disappointed on my second read. - 21/07/2010 12:31:50 PM 1048 Views
I see that title and I think of taking up smoking... - 18/07/2010 09:43:38 PM 843 Views
My thoughts - 20/07/2010 04:50:06 AM 1132 Views
Does this story translate well? - 20/07/2010 06:27:50 PM 954 Views
I honestly have no clue. - 20/07/2010 07:31:03 PM 1065 Views
That is what I thought you'd say. - 21/07/2010 02:04:26 PM 943 Views
About evil in this book. - 21/07/2010 07:14:59 PM 867 Views
More about evil in this book. - 23/07/2010 02:01:40 AM 984 Views
Aha. There's the question I was going to ask: - 31/07/2010 10:32:17 PM 844 Views
Names. - 21/07/2010 07:16:23 PM 992 Views
They're not common. - 22/07/2010 03:08:55 AM 981 Views
I have finally started it. - 25/07/2010 04:30:57 AM 1009 Views
Unfortunately do to my eye surgery I could not participate. - 28/07/2010 12:36:28 AM 1025 Views
I "read" it in audiobook form, in the car and on the move. - 29/07/2010 02:55:50 PM 1014 Views
I wonder if having the words in front would have helped Ivanovich's dream make (more) sense. - 29/07/2010 10:37:27 PM 806 Views
Indeed, it may have. - 30/07/2010 09:06:27 AM 1517 Views
I've finished. - 28/07/2010 02:39:57 AM 965 Views
Civil Rights? You do realize that Russia never imported slaves, right? - 28/07/2010 01:52:12 PM 1077 Views
I thought that was so. - 28/07/2010 02:53:21 PM 1072 Views
It felt like two different books.One part I felt like I was wading through a meaningless fluff. - 31/07/2010 10:45:52 PM 967 Views
Hm - 31/07/2010 10:53:46 PM 1019 Views

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