Active Users:1197 Time:11/03/2025 07:14:15 PM
I would like to say that I truthfully don't believe any of these are ever going to happen Napoleon62 Send a noteboard - 16/06/2010 09:57:49 PM
I think that the possibilities contained in these books are plausible in the sense that they could have happened throughout history, and in the sense that they are an accurate portrayal of how humanity would react in the described circumstances. However, in the world today, it isn't going to happen, and people have to stop clinging to these books to sheild humanity from its progress. It is time we all face a simple fact, communists and conservatives alike: Communism is dead on this earth. It died with the fall of the Soviet Union and it is never coming back. As much as conservative/reactionaries(especially older ones) somehow yearn for the paranoia of the cold war and thus portray totalitarianism as lurking around every corner doesn't make totalitarianism lurk around every corner. My problem with these books is that they are used by conservatives as "pieces of evidence" in a campaign to maintain the status quo by which they prosper. As works of literature and studies on the nature of humanity they are good, good stories and very interesting. However, portrayed as evidence against progress they are a problem. It is ridiculous to say "OH NO, WE DON'T LIKE HEALTHCARE BECAUSE THEY HAVE HEALTHCARE IN BRAVE NEW WORLD" is actually retarded, but the sad fact is it compels many borderline people that don't care or think for themselves.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

Of the dystopian fiction I've read, I liked 1984 the best. I'm not really sure why, but I suppose I could formulate some reasons. 1984 showed more clearly a lesser accepted possibility of humanity I suppose. In Brave New World the populace is controlled by drugs, genetic conditioning and pleasure. It is fairly evident that humanity could be controlled by those. But in 1984 society is controlled by the simple will-power of those in charge, a much greater accomplishment, and yet the people remain happy.
"Men of true genius are like meteors, they consume themselves and illuminate their centuries."

-Napoleon Bonaparte
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Dystopias - 16/06/2010 01:21:22 PM 754 Views
Regarding the Brave New World-1984 comparison: - 16/06/2010 04:46:16 PM 694 Views
A couple. - 16/06/2010 07:06:03 PM 629 Views
I found Brave New world more believable for one main reason - 16/06/2010 07:43:02 PM 673 Views
Comstock...I just got that. It's good then? *NM* - 16/06/2010 10:35:48 PM 254 Views
I liked it a lot - 17/06/2010 02:48:34 PM 498 Views
I would like to say that I truthfully don't believe any of these are ever going to happen - 16/06/2010 09:57:49 PM 784 Views
I have never liked having to choose between the two - 17/06/2010 12:33:56 PM 648 Views
Yeah, this is where I stand as well. *NM* - 17/06/2010 06:21:25 PM 260 Views
I think the differences is what makes comparing them so interesting. - 18/06/2010 01:54:28 AM 563 Views

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