damned hos! woe is me, I feel compelled to release this information to you all in yet another attempt to gain a laugh at my expense. It is rapidly coming to my attention that the funniest things I ever post are my own embarrassing moments
At the least you can damned well FEEL MY PAIN!
so yeah, there I was with god in sydney, that's snoop to you unbelievers. Anyways, I was showing him around when lo and behold.....there was a discount mens esprit store just ahead. As I rarely do any kind of shopping these days I just had to go in though, so I did and yes, I spotted this fantastic shirt for $30. It was a great shirt :d Only plain blue but boy did it look good. At least it looked good in the store but not on me more on that later.
So yeah, I tried onthis shirt and I thought to myself...perfect. It looks good on me and it's short sleeved so it is perfect for hot and humid sydney weather. Woe woe woe woe woe. How wrong was I?
Anyway, I bought the shirt which I decided to wear when I took snoop down to watch his first ever Aussie Rules footy match. We were going to go out and check out the most english pub in sydney afterwards and generally get sh!tfaced.
Well.....how to put this. Twas rather a warm and humid evening. Woe woe woe woe woe!!!! And I wore this shirt and we went to go off to catch a bus. Twas very warm
Can anyone see where this is going? Do I really have to say everything?
Yeah, wore the shirt, we went off to catch the bus- my I am draggin this story out aren't I?- and we got on. Poor me was feeling rather warm at this stage, open up the window when lo and behold what did I see?
I looked at my underarm. WOE! I saw blue and I saw DARK DARK SEATY BLUE! WOE! Twas so hot on the bus that by the time I got off I had this HUGE massive OBVIOUS SWEAT PATCH ON MY BACK!!!!!
If I was wearing a white t shirt it would have been fine, you just wouldn't notice with some clothing. It's not like I really sweated heaps and heaps and heaps, it's just htat it really showed up BADLY on that shirt. WOE!
wellt he night was a bit of a disaster after that. Snoop insisted on walking everywhere! And every place we went into was hugely warm! WOE!
At least snoop got a good laugh taht night. Poor me, my new nickname is sweaty arsed quokka
gimme points to get over this humiliation.
kill me
Onwards the Aussie Spam Invasion!
TwoWongs rocks my world
campaiging for vitamin S
Quai Master is my muffin
This message last edited by wads on 4/20/2004 at 10:37:43 AM.